
How to sum multiple columns using GROUPBY() function?

I have the following sample dataset.

Item Value1 Value2
a 5 15
b 10 20
c 5 15
d 10 20
a 5 15
b 10 20
c 5 15
d 10 20
a 5 15
b 10 20
c 5 15
d 10 20

I want to sum column wise values based on unique items. So, my output will look like-

a 15 45
b 30 60
c 15 45
d 30 60

Currently I can achieve desired result by the following formula-


Can I get same result by GROUPBY() function? =GROUPBY(B4:B15,C4:C15,SUM) this formula sum a single column.

Screenshot for better understanding. enter image description here


  • I got the trick of GROUPBY() function. It supports to input multiple column range and SUM values for individuals columns by grouping items. The following formula solved my issue.


    enter image description here