
Mocking graphql-request with vitest

I have been trying to mock my graphql-request with vitest. The request looks this way:

    const getTastyFruit = gql`
    query Fruit($id: String!) {
      fruit(id: $id) {
        shop {

This request is part of a bigger picture. Let's go top down. I have a lambda, which sits on an API Gateway Endpoint. This lambda calls a TropicalWorld client. This client has plenty of methods, one of those: CheckIfFruitIsReallyTasty. It's a private async methof of my TropicalWorld class (client).

CheckIfFruitIsReallyTasty initialises a new graphql client.

const fruitsClient = new GraphQLClient(
      { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } },

Then my query comes in play:

const getTastyFruit = gql`
        query Fruit($id: String!) {
          fruit(id: $id) {
            shop {

Then there is a try catch block which basically awats a response from the query:

const response= await fruitsClient.request(getTastyFruit, {

I was really trying different approaches, to mock this graphql requiest with vitest, but whatever I do, I get the error ERROR status code: 404, status text: undefined

vi.mock('graphql-request', () => ({

  GraphQLClient: class {
    request = vi.fn(); 
  gql: (text: string) => text,

This indicates, that my client still makes requests to the graphql server. The only thing I am really interested in is the repsonse, whoch I really wish to mock, so I can test happy path and the error path. But as I said, vitest graphql mocking isn't really working for me. Any ideas?


  • The Error came from a different place in my test code. Generally I found a great way to mock graphql in the official vitest documentation. I had to install msw for this though...

    import { afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll } from 'vitest'
    import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'
    import { HttpResponse, graphql, http } from 'msw'
    const posts = [
        userId: 1,
        id: 1,
        title: 'first post title',
        body: 'first post body',
      // ...
    export const restHandlers = [
      http.get('https://rest-endpoint.example/path/to/posts', () => {
        return HttpResponse.json(posts)
    const graphqlHandlers = [
      graphql.query('ListPosts', () => {
        return HttpResponse.json(
            data: { posts },
    const server = setupServer(...restHandlers, ...graphqlHandlers)
    // Start server before all tests
    beforeAll(() => server.listen({ onUnhandledRequest: 'error' }))
    //  Close server after all tests
    afterAll(() => server.close())
    // Reset handlers after each test `important for test isolation`
    afterEach(() => server.resetHandlers())

    here is the link