Yfinance doesnt return yesterday data
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
def get_last_two_days_ohlc(ticker):
# Fetch historical data for the last 5 days to ensure we get at least two closed days
data = yf.download(ticker, period="5d")
# Drop rows with missing data
# Get the last two closed days
last_two_days = data.iloc[-2:]
# Return the OHLC data
return last_two_days[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']]
# Example usage
ticker = "EURUSD=X"
ohlc_data = get_last_two_days_ohlc(ticker)
This is the result
[*********************100%***********************] 1 of 1 completed
Open High Low Close
2024-08-29 1.112496 1.114020 1.105632 1.112496
2024-08-30 1.108045 1.109570 1.105400 1.108045
2024-09-02 1.104484 1.107763 1.104252 1.104484
2024-09-04 1.104606 1.106562 1.104240 1.105583
I've tried running different symbols but its happening with all of them.
You're getting the correct data.
Because of Labor day in America, Exchange was closed.
List of Holidays: https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stock-market-holiday-schedule
Y-Finance Official site Data is not available for 9/3/2024