
Ckeditor5 custom build integration in angular application

I am trying to use ckeditor 5 in my angular application. I have installed respected libraries and used. But default ckeditor5 only shows limited tools. So i am trying to integrate custom build using online builder link.

I followed below steps to build custom builder

  1. I selected "classic editor"
  2. Selected open source plugins which are needed for my editor
  3. In tool bar configuration, i keep as default (Wrapped)
  4. In installation step, i choose angular as technology, self hosted(npm) as integration method, Download project as output.

Now project got downloaded, i enter inside of this project and did npm install, If i ran that project using ng serve, i am able to see editor in browser

Then i did ng build to build the project. In side this project dist folder got created. Inside this folder i found ckeditor5-custom-project folder. Inside this folder found two files.

  1. 3rdpartylicenses.txt (file)
  2. browser (folder)

inside browser folder i found below three files

  1. index.html
  2. main-YKLNNTVL.js
  3. polyfills-SCHOHYNV.js
  4. styles-5INURTSO.css

So copy pasted this dist folder files in to my angular application inside the src > assets > ckeditor5 folder.

Now how can i use this folder in my angular application to display editor. Can any one suggest next steps or is i am following steps are correct? or did i mistaken any where ?

Found few tutorials in you tube but those are not related with current latest custom build. Means there is no ckeditor.js file in current version of custom build

Thank you


  • From this demo ckeditor5 repo

    I did below steps to implement customized ckeditor in my angular application.

    1. In that repo i copied ./src/ckeditor and ./src/editor folders and pasted in my angular application under ./src/ folder.

    2. Copy pasted required ckeditor5 packages from (package.json) above repo to my angular application. I already used another version of ckeditor5, so i removed that version and pasted new version packages.

    3. Added ckeditor5/ckeditor5.css in my angular.json file under styles section.

    4. In my xxx.module.ts file i added CKEditorModule under imports section. And imported from import { CKEditorModule } from 'src/ckeditor/ckeditor.module';

    5. In my component html file i added below code


    1. In my component ts file i added below things

    import { AngularEditor } from 'src/editor/editor';
    // Added below variables
    public Editor = AngularEditor;
    public editorInstance?: AngularEditor;
    // Added below method
    public onReady( editor: AngularEditor ): void {
            this.editorInstance = editor;

    Note: in my application older default ckeditor5 used many places. So i got error like duplicate modules error. To resolve this i removed existing older packages from package.json and modified all components