First thing of first: Only in startup/init progress. I'm not trying find something to break the world.
I have do some research with js promise and await/async. And found something like this
Here is a demo in kotlin:
suspend fun readFile(path: Path) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
fun main() {
val runtimeInfo = runBlocking {
val config = readFile(Paths.get("")) // suspend async code
return@runBlocking MyFramework.RuntimeInfo.of(config) // Another async code
MyFramework.service(runtimeInfo) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
But in JS/TS, Things not that easy (BTW: I'm using Tauri + React):
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Tauri invoke return a promise.
invoke('read_file', {path: 'config.json', defaultConfig: '{"version":1}'})
.then(it => resolve(it))
.catch(it => reject(it));
// ↑ This is really easy to make mistake (typo/forget)
// And this is really bad feeling with it: promise in promosie
}).then(it => {
const runtime = something(it as string);
<App runtime={runtime}/>
}).catch((reject) => {
Question: Is there any elegant way to achieve async/sync conversion in JS/TS?
If you compile to modules (and not commonjs) you can use top level await.
const it = await invoke('read_file', {path: 'config.json', defaultConfig: '{"version":1}'})
const runtime = something(it as string);
<App runtime={runtime}/>
But that may not be supported as the entire ecosystem is not guaranteed compatible with ESModules.
But the work around is as simple as wrapping it an async
async function bootstrap() {
const it = await invoke('read_file', {path: 'config.json', defaultConfig: '{"version":1}'})
const runtime = something(it as string);
<App runtime={runtime}/>