Trying to read from JDBC with pyspark. In JDBC there is a column FEC_PART as a date type with the format yyyymmdd. For reading the parameter upperBound or lowerBound doesn't match the desire format yyyymmdd:
pyspark.sql.utils.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot parse the bound value 20200112 as date
java.sql.SQLDataException: ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
WHERE "ARQPIB_FEC_PART" < '2020-01-13' or "ARQPIB_FEC_PART" is null , Error Msg = ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
The error appear when read.load() with spark.
input_data = \
.format(constants.FORMAT_JDBC) \
.options(**properties) \
.option("partitionColumn", "FEC_PART") # Keep partition column as it is
.option("lowerBound", "20200112") # Use the yyyymmdd format for bounds to match partitionColumn
.option("upperBound", "20200114") # Use the yyyymmdd format for bounds to match partitionColumn
.option("numPartitions", "2") \
1st approach. Trying adding this options:
.option("oracle.jdbc.mapDateToTimestamp", "false")
.option("sessionInitStatement", "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYYMMDD'")
2nd approach with this other option:
.option("dateFormat", "yyyyMMdd")
And some more approach without any result.
It works for me with a very similar to your approach 1), but changing the date format, from YYYYMMDD to: YYYY-MM-DD, so:
.option("sessionInitStatement", "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD'")
And then passing the literals as: