ok so I have this code
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
global MyGui := ""
global uNID := "", Password := ""
global EditUsername := "", EditPassword := ""
global CurrentDay := A_DD
global Oct31MessageShown := false
global SavesFilePath := A_ScriptDir . "\\julia present\\Julias present saves"
^!T::MsgBox("Test hotkey works!")
^+U:: {
; Wait for the page to load (adjust the sleep time if needed)
; Read the saved credentials
savedUNID := ReadSavedCredential("uNID")
savedPassword := ReadSavedCredential("Password")
; Ensure the window is active
if WinExist("A")
; Paste the username
if (savedUNID != "") {
Sleep(100) ; Increased delay before tabbing to next field
; Paste the password
if (savedPassword != "") {
Sleep(100) ; Increased delay before pasting password
Sleep(100) ; Increased delay before pressing Enter
^+!U:: {
global MyGui, uNID, Password, EditUsername, EditPassword
MyGui := Gui()
MyGui.Add("Text",, "Please enter your U of U ID:")
EditUsername := MyGui.Add("Edit", "vuNID w200")
MyGui.Add("Text",, "Please enter your U of U Password:")
EditPassword := MyGui.Add("Edit", "vPassword w200 Password")
SubmitButton := MyGui.Add("Button", "w100", "Submit").OnEvent("Click", ButtonSubmit)
; Create a hotkey that's only active when the GUI is open
HotIfWinactive("ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI")
Hotkey("Enter", HandleEnter)
ButtonSubmit(\*) {
; Retrieve the values from the GUI controls
savedUNID := EditUsername.Text
savedPassword := EditPassword.Text
; Close the GUI
; Save the credentials to file
SaveCredentials(savedUNID, savedPassword)
; Display the entered information
MsgBox("Credentials saved successfully!`nuNID: " . savedUNID . "`nPassword: " . savedPassword)
; Update global variables
global uNID := savedUNID
global Password := savedPassword
; Function to handle Enter key press
HandleEnter(\*) {
if (MyGui.FocusedCtrl = EditUsername) {
} else if (MyGui.FocusedCtrl = EditPassword) {
; Function to save credentials to the file
SaveCredentials(uNID, Password) {
try {
; Clear the file by opening it in write mode (which truncates the file)
fileObj := FileOpen(SavesFilePath, "w")
if (fileObj) {
; Write the new credentials
fileObj.Write("uNID:" . uNID . "\`n")
fileObj.Write("Password:" . Password)
} else {
throw Error("Unable to open file for writing")
} catch as err {
MsgBox("Error saving credentials: " . err.Message)
; Function to read a specific credential from the file
ReadSavedCredential(credentialType) {
try {
fileContent := FileRead(SavesFilePath)
lines := StrSplit(fileContent, "\`n")
for line in lines {
if (InStr(line, credentialType . ":") == 1) {
return StrSplit(line, ":")\[2\]
} catch as err {
MsgBox("Error reading credentials: " . err.Message)
return ""
UpdateCurrentDay() {
global CurrentDay, Oct31MessageShown
newDay := A_DD
MsgBox("current day" . CurrentDay . "newDay" . newDay)
if (newDay != CurrentDay) {
CurrentDay := newDay
; Reset the flag if it's a new day
Oct31MessageShown := false
; Check if it's October 31st, 2024
if (A_MM = "9" and A_DD = "4" and !Oct31MessageShown) {
MsgBox("About to call OpenSpecialWindow")
Oct31MessageShown := true
OpenSpecialWindow() {
MsgBox("OpenSpecialWindow function called")
specialGui := Gui()
specialGui.Add("Text",, "Happy Birthday Julia, and Happy Halloween")
specialGui.Add("Text",, "This is a special message for October 31st")
specialGui.Add("Button", "w100", "Close").OnEvent("Click", (*) => specialGui.Destroy())
MsgBox("GUI should be visible now")
SetTimer(UpdateCurrentDay, 60000)
for some reason the only GUI and Msgboxes that shows up are in ^+U and ^+!U function.
Why do those functions work but not ^!T::(MsgBox("Test hotkey works"))
I've tried adding Msgboxes basically everywhere and they only ever open in those functions. I even tried having that outside of a function and that didn't show up when then project was loading.
Lines 63, 84 and 117. Here is working the msgbox with ^!T
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
global MyGui := ""
global uNID := "", Password := ""
global EditUsername := "", EditPassword := ""
global CurrentDay := A_DD
global Oct31MessageShown := false
global SavesFilePath := A_ScriptDir . "\\julia present\\Julias present saves"
^!T::MsgBox("Test hotkey works!")
^+U:: {
; Wait for the page to load (adjust the sleep time if needed)
; Read the saved credentials
savedUNID := ReadSavedCredential("uNID")
savedPassword := ReadSavedCredential("Password")
; Ensure the window is active
if WinExist("A")
; Paste the username
if (savedUNID != "") {
Sleep(100) ; Increased delay before tabbing to next field
; Paste the password
if (savedPassword != "") {
Sleep(100) ; Increased delay before pasting password
Sleep(100) ; Increased delay before pressing Enter
^+!U:: {
global MyGui, uNID, Password, EditUsername, EditPassword
MyGui := Gui()
MyGui.Add("Text",, "Please enter your U of U ID:")
EditUsername := MyGui.Add("Edit", "vuNID w200")
MyGui.Add("Text",, "Please enter your U of U Password:")
EditPassword := MyGui.Add("Edit", "vPassword w200 Password")
SubmitButton := MyGui.Add("Button", "w100", "Submit").OnEvent("Click", ButtonSubmit)
; Create a hotkey that's only active when the GUI is open
HotIfWinactive("ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI")
Hotkey("Enter", HandleEnter)
ButtonSubmit(*) { ; REMOVED unnecessary "\"
; Retrieve the values from the GUI controls
savedUNID := EditUsername.Text
savedPassword := EditPassword.Text
; Close the GUI
; Save the credentials to file
SaveCredentials(savedUNID, savedPassword)
; Display the entered information
MsgBox("Credentials saved successfully!`nuNID: " . savedUNID . "`nPassword: " . savedPassword)
; Update global variables
global uNID := savedUNID
global Password := savedPassword
; Function to handle Enter key press
HandleEnter(*) { ; REMOVED unnecessary "\"
if (MyGui.FocusedCtrl = EditUsername) {
} else if (MyGui.FocusedCtrl = EditPassword) {
; Function to save credentials to the file
SaveCredentials(uNID, Password) {
try {
; Clear the file by opening it in write mode (which truncates the file)
fileObj := FileOpen(SavesFilePath, "w")
if (fileObj) {
; Write the new credentials
fileObj.Write("uNID:" . uNID . "\`n")
fileObj.Write("Password:" . Password)
} else {
throw Error("Unable to open file for writing")
} catch as err {
MsgBox("Error saving credentials: " . err.Message)
; Function to read a specific credential from the file
ReadSavedCredential(credentialType) {
try {
fileContent := FileRead(SavesFilePath)
lines := StrSplit(fileContent, "\`n")
for line in lines {
if (InStr(line, credentialType . ":") == 1) {
return StrSplit(line, ":")[2] ; REMOVED unnecessary "\"
} catch as err {
MsgBox("Error reading credentials: " . err.Message)
return ""
UpdateCurrentDay() {
global CurrentDay, Oct31MessageShown
newDay := A_DD
MsgBox("current day" . CurrentDay . "newDay" . newDay)
if (newDay != CurrentDay) {
CurrentDay := newDay
; Reset the flag if it's a new day
Oct31MessageShown := false
; Check if it's October 31st, 2024
if (A_MM = "9" and A_DD = "4" and !Oct31MessageShown) {
MsgBox("About to call OpenSpecialWindow")
Oct31MessageShown := true
OpenSpecialWindow() {
MsgBox("OpenSpecialWindow function called")
specialGui := Gui()
specialGui.Add("Text",, "Happy Birthday Julia, and Happy Halloween")
specialGui.Add("Text",, "This is a special message for October 31st")
specialGui.Add("Button", "w100", "Close").OnEvent("Click", (*) => specialGui.Destroy())
MsgBox("GUI should be visible now")
SetTimer(UpdateCurrentDay, 60000)