
How do I create a decile column in Python polars?

Let's say I have a column of FICO scores. I'd like to create another column FICO_DECILE that ranks the FICO scores descending and assigns a decile group, i.e. FICO=850 would have FICO_DECILE=1, and something like FICO=360 would have FICO_DECILE=10.

I tried:

# decile rank
df1 = df.with_columns(

But I only get DECILE_GROUP equal to 0 and null.


  • I have not tested but this should work, overall, I think you are on the right track, The main reason why you are getting that error is basically how you are using rank().

    The trick is to use descending: bool = False

    I have modified your code to include this.

    df1 = df.with_columns(
            (pl.col('fico').rank(method='min', descending=True) / df.height * 10)

    Since you are getting null values we could do a bit of data wrangling here

    see ref: lit

    # filter out null FICO scores
    fico_df = df.filter(pl.col('fico').is_not_null())
    # rank for non-null FICO scores
    fico_df = fico_df.with_columns(
             .rank(method='min', descending=True)  
             / fico_df.height * 10)  
    # handle null with lit 
    null_fico_df = df.filter(pl.col('fico').is_null()).with_columns(
    # df with valid and invalid
    df_final = pl.concat([fico_df, null_fico_df])
    # results['fico', 'fico_decile']).show()