
Is Beanstalk "Create and use new service role" broken?

Introduce the problem

I am going through this Udemy course for AWS Cloud Practitioner, and I'm on section 125. Beanstalk Hands On. As you might be able to guess, the course has me set up a simple Beanstalk application for the sake of demonstration. However, halfway through the creation process, I encounter an unexpected error:

Invalid ARN namespace - must be a 12-digit AWS account id (without hyphens).

And I cannot continue with creating the application. As far as I can tell, this is due to a bug on the AWS side, not something I'm doing wrong.

What did you expect to happen?

I tried to create a new Beanstalk application. I can follow along in the steps until I get to "Step 2: Configure service access." Here, the course instructs me to select the "Create and use new service role" before hitting "Next" or "Skip to review." However, when I press "Skip to review," I get the error "Invalid ARN namespace - must be a 12-digit AWS account id (without hyphens)."

I was expecting to be taken to the review page where I can hit "Submit" to finalize the creation of my application.

Here is the most helpful screenshot I can take: AWS Beanstalk failing on step 2

I am pretty certain the error has to do with the Service Role. If I instead choose to "Use an existing service role" and select one, it allows me to continue. However, I don't want to do that because I want Beanstalk to generate the service role with the correct permissions.

If I click "View permission details" under the service role name I can see the JSON it would generate, and I'm pretty sure I found the problematic line: Looks like some stars are missing

To me, it looks like the highlighted line (As well as the other Resource: line below it) are missing some stars where my AWS account ID should be. Every other "Resource" lacks consecutive colons.

Is this a bug I should reach out to AWS about? Or am I the one who's done something wrong?

Edit: Apologies for not having in-line images. I just made this account so my reputation isn't high enough yet

EDIT 2: It works now

I did nothing differently today, but I thought I'd give it another shot just to see if I was still having this problem. Everything works normally and as expected. I have no idea how to recreate the bug. Oh well.


  • There is no answer, really. It just started working again all on its own. I did nothing differently, but the bug I was having yesterday seems to have disappeared.