Two part question
I would like to group records by a single field.
then retrieve user information
I would like to group by the REF_NotifierID field.
Here is the data.
"_id": "66d90957373dd9d5c85d503c",
"REF_NotifierID": "66d9070f373dd9d5c85d5034",
"REF_UserID": "66c8fbb1a97fee2ae10a3d81",
"_id": "66d90a33373dd9d5c85d5050",
"REF_NotifierID": "66d90700373dd9d5c85d502e",
"REF_UserID": "66c8fbb1a97fee2ae10a3d81",
"_id": "66d9ca6be74061bbd0d1996a",
"REF_NotifierID": "66d90700373dd9d5c85d502e",
Part 1
Here is what I have tried... didn't work :-(
$group : {
REF_NotifierID: {
$first: "$REF_NotifierID",
$users: "REF_UserID",
This is the only data that I would like to have returned and in this structure:
"notifiers": [
"REF_NotifierID": "66d9070f373dd9d5c85d5034",
"users": [
"REF_UserID": "66c8fbb1a97fee2ae10a3d81"
"REF_NotifierID": "66d90700373dd9d5c85d502e",
"users": [
"REF_UserID": "66c8fbb1a97fee2ae10a3d81"
"REF_UserID": "66d9c3ddc1d6fcc235ccc92e"
thanks to @cmgchesss ! this groups correctly
"$group": {
"_id": "$REF_NotifierID",
"users": {
"$addToSet": {
"REF_UserID": "$REF_UserID"
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"notifiers": {
"$push": {
"REF_NotifierID": "$_id",
"users": "$users"
"$unset": "_id"
Part 2
I would like to get the user information from the grouped results
I have tried a lookup
$lookup: {
from: 'users',
localField: 'REF_UserID',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'testusers',
this is what I get:
"notifiers": [
"REF_NotifierID": "66d9070f373dd9d5c85d5034",
"users": [
"REF_UserID": "66c8fbb1a97fee2ae10a3d81"
"REF_NotifierID": "66d90700373dd9d5c85d502e",
"users": [
"REF_UserID": "66c8fbb1a97fee2ae10a3d81"
"REF_UserID": "66d9c3ddc1d6fcc235ccc92e"
"testusers": []
I'd like to have the REF_UserID augmented with the user's firstName, LastName fields from the user table.
"REF_UserID": "66d9c3ddc1d6fcc235ccc92e",
"firstName": "Fred",
"lastName" : "Jones",
You can use $documents
inside a lookup stage to perform a separate lookup into the users collection for each element in the array.
Steps in this pipeline:
{$group: {
_id: "$REF_NotifierID",
users: {$push: {REF_UserID: "$REF_UserID"}}
{$lookup: {
let: {docs: "$users"},
as: "users",
pipeline: [
{$documents: "$$docs"},
{$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "REF_UserID",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "userData",
pipeline: [
{$project: {
_id: 0,
firstname: 1,
lastname: 1,
REF_UserID: "$_id"
{$unwind: "$userData" },
{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$userData"}}
Example: Playground