How do I make an easygui Multienterbox with all of the questions below in one window?
namegui = easygui.enterbox(msg='Enter your name', title='Name query', default='Gian')
baigui = easygui.enterbox(msg='Enter your BAI', title='Burns Anxiety Inventory query', default='Gian')
bdcgui = easygui.enterbox(msg='Enter your BDC', title='Burns Depression Checklist query', default='Gian')
yeargui = easygui.enterbox(msg='Enter the current year', title='Current Year', default='2011')
monthgui = easygui.enterbox(msg='Enter the current month', title='Current Month')
daygui = easygui.enterbox(msg='Enter the current day', title='Current Day')
time_hourgui = easygui.enterbox(msg='Enter the current hour', title='Current Hour')
time_minutegui = easygui.enterbox(msg='Please enter current minutes', title='Current Minute')
am_pmgui = easygui.enterbox(msg='Please enter either am or pm', title='AM OR PM')
I am using Python 2.5.1 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard(10.6).
The EasyGui Tutorial has a section on using multienterbox
. You an put all of your field names in a list (fieldNames = ['Name query','Burns Anxiety inventory query',...]
) and pass it to multienterbox
along with a window title (title
) and a message (msg
fieldValues = multenterbox(msg,title, fieldNames)
If you still need the values in individual fields, you could then unpack your tuple:
# include one variable name for each value in fieldValues
namegui, baigui, bdcgui = fieldValues