solving simple nrzi python decoding. 0 bit means no changed occurred but 1 bit means a change occurred in digital signal sequence.
"_": low signal
'¯': high signal
"|": pipe signal( pipe leads to change of signal and itself pipe is not recorded)
given input: _ | ¯ | _ _ _ | ¯ | _| ¯ ¯ ¯
output: 011000110100
my code:
def nrzi(signal: str) -> str:
res = ''
prev = '_'
for i in range(len(signal)):
cur = signal[i]
prev = signal[i-1]
#signal same as prev - no change
if (prev == cur == '_') or (prev == cur == '¯'):
res += '0'
#signal changed cuz prev is pipe
elif prev == '|' and cur == '_':
res += '0'
elif prev == '|' and cur == '¯':
res += '1'
return ''.join(res)
signal = "_|¯|____|¯|__|¯¯¯"
result = nrzi(signal)
it produces
10000100100 vs correct 011000110100
whats wrong?
you had two problem in your code
at the first time looping through the for loop you are getting the last result with the signal[i-1]
this means at the first you will be getting the _-
which means +1 this is happening because python is looking at the if statements and none of them declare anything about the _-
so python uses the last statement which is the +1.
is your if statement going from your output that you expect you want to get 1 every time you have |_
so I changed it to look like this:
elif prev == '|' and cur == '_':
res += '1'
The code now looks like this and the output is: 011000110100
def nrzi(signal: str) -> str:
res = ''
prev = '_'
for i in range(len(signal)):
cur = signal[i]
prev = [signal[i], signal[i-1]] [i >= 1]
#signal same as prev - no change
if (prev == cur == '_') or (prev == cur == '¯'):
res += '0'
#signal changed cuz prev is pipe
elif prev == '|' and cur == '_':
res += '1'
elif prev == '|' and cur == '¯':
res += '1'
return ''.join(res)
signal = "_|¯|____|¯|__|¯¯¯"
result = nrzi(signal)