
The AVPlayerItem instance has failed with the error code -11850 and domain "AVFoundationErrorDomain"

          source={{ uri: }}
          className="w-52 h-72 rounded-[33px] mt-3 bg-white/10"
          onPlaybackStatusUpdate={(status) => {
            if (status.didJustFinish) {
          onError={(error) => console.error("Video Error:", error)}

Video Error: The server is not correctly configured. - The AVPlayerItem instance has failed with the error code -11850 and domain "AVFoundationErrorDomain".

import { ResizeMode, Video } from "expo-av";

i used expo-av for playing the video but the error is showing like this

I need to solve this issue without the returns of the error


  • I've came across such issue recently and it was caused by the URL of the video you are providing to the Video component of expo-av. Basicaly for some reason when you provide an URL to somekind of player with a video, the component does not want to play it but if the URL is directly to .mp4 video for example, then it's working fine (random-short-video.mp4).

    You can google for such URL's.

    (I only tested this with mp4 format)