
How to upload an image file to a MacOS app?

I'm creating an app which requires the user to upload image files to the app. In the app I want to obtain its info (dimensions, ecc.) and show it.

Here is what I tried:

var body: some View {
     Button(action: {
         importing = true
         isPresented: $importing,
         allowedContentTypes: [.image]
     ) { result in
         switch result {
             case .success(let file):
                 print("File URL: \(file)")
             if controlImage(imageURL: file) {
                     print("Image uploaded successfully.")
                 } else {
                     print("Image doesn't match required dimensions.")
             case .failure(let error):
                 print("Failed to load the file: \(error.localizedDescription)")
 func controlImage(imageURL: URL) -> Bool {
     print("Uploading image: \(imageURL.path)")
     let image: NSImage = NSImage(contentsOf: imageURL)!
     let imageWidth = image.size.width
     let imageHeight = image.size.height

But when I create the NSImage it says:

Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

although the image exists and also its URL.


  • The problem was caused by the File Access options of the Xcode project. By setting them to "Read/Write", the image is read correctly.

    Screenshot of the File Access option of the project