
How to go from human readable date format ('YYYY-MM-DD') to datetime format string ("%Y-%m-%d")

I would like to allow the user to specify the date format using a human readable format like 'YYYY-MM-DD'. But then I need to actually parse dates so I need the corresponding actual datetime format '%Y-%m-%d'. Is there a way go from the first to the second?


  • You can use a dictionary to convert human readable format or your custom format to strftime.

    import datetime
    def human_to_strftime(human_format):
        format_mapping = {
            'YYYY': '%Y',
            'YY': '%y',
            'MM': '%m',
            'DD': '%d',
            'HH': '%H',
            'MI': '%M',
            'SS': '%S',
            'AM/PM': '%p'
        strftime_format = human_format
        for human, strftime in format_mapping.items():
            strftime_format = strftime_format.replace(human, strftime)
        return strftime_format
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        date = "2024-07-09"
        date_format = "YYYY-MM-DD"
        spec = human_to_strftime(date_format)
        datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, spec)


    2024-07-09 00:00:00