
Daytime and Nightime Occurrence Duration of an Event

I want to find the daytime and night-time occurrence duration of an event from its' start time to end time.

The event duration is volatile and can take place for a long time.

I can't figure out a formula.

I am seeking to figure out the duration with a formula or VBA code or Python code.

Link to the sample file with manually calculated duration for each event. The event occurs in multiple scenarios to be considered.

Sample Scenarios


  • If you find it hard to calculate NightTime, I suggest you calculate DayTime first, and use TotalHourse - DayTime for night time, then you wouldn't need to worry about "crossing midnight".

    So, for day time duration, here is the formula (in K10)


    For night time duration:

    =E10-D10-K10 (in L10)

    enter image description here

    Finally, remember to format your cell as [h]:mm:ss:

    enter image description here

    Explaining the formula:

    1. think of INT(E10)-INT(D10) as number of days between start date and end date. (including start date, but excluding end date).

    2. INT(E10)-INT(D10) * (18 -6) can be interpreted as number of dayTime hours from start date to end date. (start date inclusive, end date exclusive)

    3. To get number of hours between 12/09/2024 7:00 and 13/09/2024 16:00, we need to deduct extra hours from start date, and add extra hours to the end date. i.e we need to deduct (7:00-6:00) from 12/09, and add (16:00 -6:00) for 13/09. that is, (13/09/2024 - 12/09/2024) * (18 -6) -(7-6) + (16-6) is the number of dayTime hours between 12/09/2024 7:00 to 13/09/2024 16:00. It can be simplified to (13/09/2024 - 12/09/2024) * (18 -6) + 16 -7

    4. If start time on start date is outside DayTime Hours, e.g for 12/09/2024 4:00 to 13/09/2024 16:00, we just treat it as ifstart date starts at 6:00. i.e (13/09/2024 - 12/09/2024) * (18 -6) - (6-6) + (16 - 6) = (13/09/2024 - 12/09/2024) * (18 -6) + 16 -6

    5. If end time on end date is outside DayTime hours, e. for 12/09/2024 4:00 to 13/09/2024 19:00, we just treat it as if end date ends at 18:00. i.e (13/09/2024 - 12/09/2024) * (18 -6) - (6-6) + (18 - 6) = (13/09/2024 - 12/09/2024) * (18 -6) + 18 -6

    6. Finally, 4 & 5 can be simplified with -MEDIAN(start hour,6,18)+MEDIAN(end hour, 6, 18)