I have a 'role' resource which has a view route, ie:
class RoleResource extends Resource
protected static ?string $model = Role::class;
public static function infolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
return $infolist
public static function getPages(): array
return [
'index' => Pages\ListRoles::route('/'),
'create' => Pages\CreateRole::route('/create'),
'edit' => Pages\EditRole::route('/{record}/edit'),
'view' => Pages\ViewRole::route('/{record}'),
class ViewRole extends ViewRecord
protected static string $resource = RoleResource::class;
This results in a view page with the title 'View Role':
How can I change this to show a different, dynamic title (such as 'View {title}')?
To change the title of a page to be dynamic, you can override getTitle function on the page class (ViewRole.php)
like this:
use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable;
public function getTitle(): string|Htmlable
$title = 'Role ' . ($this->record?->name);
return "View {$title}";