
How to use database methods in grails spock specification tests?

I am going to test some classes test using specification test with spock. Some methods uses Domain.list() and it not available via light specification test. Of course I could replace Domain.list() with mock grobal replace. But it disables other Domain static methods. How to change only one static domain method and stay others?

I used mocking this way:

GroovyMock(Domain,global: true)
Domain.list() >> [ domain1, domain2 ]


  • Have you tried a GroovySpy?

    package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q78963473
    import spock.lang.Specification
    class MockSingleStaticMethodTest extends Specification {
      def test() {
        GroovySpy(Domain, global: true)
        Domain.list() >> ['domain1', 'domain2']
        Domain.list() == ['domain1', 'domain2']
        Domain.doSomething() == 'result'
    class Domain {
      static List list() {
        println 'listing'
        ['one', 'two', 'three']
      static String doSomething() {
        println 'doing something'

    Try it in the Groovy Web Console.