I wanted to use the font QTLinostroke.otf
from the apt package texlive-fonts-extra
in Ubuntu using xelatex. I installed the apt package
sudo apt install texlive-fonts-extra
The font file by default is installed in the path /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/qualitype/QTLinostroke.otf
Then I ran the following tex file using xelatex.
%!TeX program=xelatex
The quick brown fox jumps over lazy the dog.
However, xelatex
couldn't find the font file. However, if I copy the file QTLinostroke.otf
to $HOME/.fonts/
folder then the tex file compiles without a hitch.
So my questions are
in the documentclass
.The workaround that I have already mentioned in my question (when compiling with xelatex) is to copy the font file to ~/.fonts/
# Get the fontpath. Usually it is
# /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/qualitype/QTLinostroke.otf
fontpath=$(apt-file list texlive-fonts-extra | grep QTLinostroke.otf \
| cut -d" " -f2)
# Create the ~/.fonts/ directory and copy the .otf file
mkdir -p ~/.fonts/
cp "${fontpath}" ~/.fonts/
With this xelatex also finds the font and compiles it nicely.