
PowerBI - Bug in function LOOKUPVALUE?

It seems we have a very strange bug with the LOOKUPVALUE-function in PowerBI.

The following Dax-column in table target_table is working for 99% of our cases, but there are 2 cases which do not work, even so the IDs do exist in the target field it returns us blanks, if so source_table[Name is not.

Name_User = LOOKUPVALUE(  source_table[Name],

The id-field is just a concatenation of 2 number-fields in both tables, based on the same concatenation:

      code_user = CONCATENATE(CONCATENATE([CompanyID],"_"),+[PersID])

We did check manually if there is a line in source_table with the code_user, and there is actually exactly 1 line for both cases, both having a value in the Name field. Unfortunately the lookupvalue-function just returns blanks for the 2 cases. To recall, every other case is working, so basically the lookup-call is tested and working.

Sometimes the following variables get underlined in the lookup-call:

source_table[Name], telling us: "Parameter is not the correct type."

For source_table it underlines code_user, telling us: "Cannot find name '[code_user]'".


  • The function LOOKUPVALUE relies on relationships. In case of problems, one should verify on the relationships between the tables concerns.