I'm trying to create a SQL query to dynamically change database name passed in as @name
variable, when trying to execute the stored procedure, I get an error message.
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [schema].[procname]
(@name varchar(20))
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max);
SET @sql = N'SELECT ID, Name, [col1], [col2]
FROM @name.[schema].[table]';
EXEC sp_executesql @sql;
EXEC [schema].[procname] 'DVMTIONAPP'
I get this error:
Must declare the scalar variable "@name".
SQL Server won't automatically replace the @name
placeholder (inside a string) with the content of the variable.
You have to explicitly concatenate the strings. For avoiding code injection, you should use QUOTENAME()
Something like:
SET @sql = N'SELECT ID, Name, [col1], [col2]
FROM ' + QUOTENAME (@name) + N'.[schema].[table]';
For more complex cases, in which you're passing a multipart identifier ("DB.TABLE", etc), you could use DB_ID(), DB_NAME(), OBJECT_ID(), OBJECT_NAME(), etc.
For non-entities (like values in a WHERE clause, etc), in dynamic SQL, again avoiding injection, parameters are the way to go.