
Why is Query Optimizer Underestimating and Causing Data Spill to tempdb?

I have a very simple query that I am testing by running ad-hoc. The execution plan indicates that data is spilling into tempdb because of poor estimates.

I have been unable to resolve any of the three occurrences of the warning:

Operator used tempdb to spill data during execution with spill level 1 and 1 spilled thread(s)

All tables have covering indexes and up-to-date statistics.

I have tried using temp tables, hard coding instead of variables, re-ordering the WHERE clause, and even eliminating the WHERE clause by adding the filtering conditions to the JOINs.

I cleared the specific query plan after each execution by using the plan handle in DBCC FREEPROCCACHE, but each iteration generates the identical plan.

The query returns 10,567 distinct records, so it is not terribly large.

Is there any advice on how I can avoid the data spill?

Here is a link to the query plan brentozar.com/pastetheplan/?id=HJ1v8G03C

    @StartDate  datetime = '01/01/2023',
    @EndDate    datetime = '12/31/2023 23:59:59';

    optn.Number AS OPTN,
    dbo.[Case] c
    INNER JOIN dbo.TriageReferral tr ON c.ID = tr.CaseID 
    INNER JOIN dbo.TriageImport ti ON tr.ID = ti.ID
    INNER JOIN PotentialDonor.DonorNumber optn ON c.DonorTracCaseID = optn.DonorTracCaseId
    INNER JOIN [Admin].ConfigureDonorNumber cdn ON optn.ConfigureDonorNumberId = cdn.ConfigureDonorNumberId
    tr.IsDuplicate = 0
AND ti.OfferDateTime >= @StartDate
AND ti.OfferDateTime <= @EndDate
AND cdn.NumberDescription = 'OPTN';


  • There doesn't seem to be a lot you can do. The actual incorrect cardinality estimate is coming from DonorNumber, probably due to skewed data.