After working for a few weeks, I always accumulate a lot of branches, frequently called feature/*
or daniel/*
From time to time, I delete all my local branches running this command (windows):
git branch -d (git branch --list 'feature/*').trim()
After frequently forgetting this command, I'd like to create an alias for it (with a string argument) ideally like this:
git del 'feature/*'
How can I create this alias?
I was trying this:
del = '!set -eu; git branch -d (git branch --list "$1").trim()'
but it doesn't work and I ran out of ideas.
Instead of nesting commands, you could pipe them and retrieve the result of your git branch --list $1
to feed git branch -d
with xargs -r
To expand an alias with parameterized commands piped together, you could use the sh
command and supply it with a string containing the command list.
Your alias could look like this
git config --local alias.del '!sh -c "set -eu | git branch --list $1 | xargs -r git branch -d"'
and be used in the following way
# deleting all branches starting with feature/
git del feature/*
# deleting all branches starting with daniele/
git del daniel/*