
How to find R_HOME with VBA Environ

I can find the path to R by using Sys.getenv() like so:

[1] "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-41~1.1"

However, I am trying to find the R_HOME with the Environ function from Excel VBA with a subroutine something like:

Sub findR()
Dim a As String
a = Environ$("R_HOME")
MsgBox a
End Sub

The message box returns empty. R_HOME is in the environment but for some reason Environ can't find it. See a screenshot attached showing R_HOME in the environment. Could someone point me in the right direction to find R_HOME with Environ VBA?

enter image description here


  • This VBA function, GetREnviron, is designed to retrieve environment variables from an R installation, such as R_HOME, by running a small R script through the Windows command line.

    Parameter EnvName: The function takes one parameter, EnvName, which is the name of the environment variable you want to retrieve (e.g., "R_HOME").

    R Script Construction: The function dynamically creates a small R script (Rscript -e "cat(Sys.getenv('EnvName'))") to retrieve the value of the specified environment variable using R's Sys.getenv function.

    Shell Execution: It uses the WScript.Shell object to execute the R script and capture the output (StdOut.ReadAll). This output is the value of the environment variable.

    Trimming Output: Any extra whitespace or newline characters are trimmed from the output.

    Error Handling: If something goes wrong (e.g., R is not installed, or the variable doesn't exist), the function returns a generic error message, "Error: Unable to retrieve EnvName".

    This approach allows for dynamically retrieving any R environment variable by passing its name as an argument to the function.

    Function GetREnviron(Name As String, Optional TrimResult As Boolean = True) As String
        Dim RScript As String
        Dim ShellOutput As String
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        Rem R script to print the specified environment variable
        RScript = "Rscript -e ""cat(Sys.getenv('" & Name & "'))"""
        Rem Create a Shell object
        With VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
            Rem Run the R script and capture the output
            ShellOutput = .Exec(RScript).StdOut.ReadAll
        End With
        Rem Trim any extra whitespace from the output
        GetREnviron = IIf(TrimResult, Trim(ShellOutput), ShellOutput)
        Exit Function
        GetREnviron = "Error: Unable to retrieve " & Name
    End Function

    I've updated the code to store the environmental variable. This will avoid having to use WScript.Shell more than once per variable per machine.

    Function GetREnviron(Name As String, Optional UpdateSetting As Boolean = False, Optional TrimResult As Boolean = True) As String
        Dim RScript As String
        Dim ShellOutput As String
        Dim SavedSettings As Variant
        Dim StoredValue As String
        Dim AppName As String
        Dim Section As String
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        AppName = "REnvironSettings"  ' Application name for SaveSetting
        Section = "EnvironmentVars"    ' Section to store environment variables
        ' Retrieve all saved settings
        SavedSettings = GetAllSettings(AppName, Section)
        ' Check if the variable is already saved and UpdateSetting is False
        If Not UpdateSetting And Not IsEmpty(SavedSettings) Then
            On Error Resume Next
            StoredValue = GetSetting(AppName, Section, Name, "")
            On Error GoTo ErrHandler
            If Len(StoredValue) > 0 Then
                GetREnviron = StoredValue
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
        ' If not saved or UpdateSetting is True, run the R script to get the environment variable
        RScript = "Rscript -e ""cat(Sys.getenv('" & Name & "'))"""
        ' Create a Shell object and capture the output
        With VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
            ShellOutput = .Exec(RScript).StdOut.ReadAll
        End With
        ' Trim any extra whitespace from the output
        ShellOutput = IIf(TrimResult, Trim(ShellOutput), ShellOutput)
        ' Save the retrieved environment variable value
        SaveSetting AppName, Section, Name, ShellOutput
        ' Return the result
        GetREnviron = ShellOutput
        Exit Function
        GetREnviron = "Error: Unable to retrieve " & Name
    End Function


    It turns out we can get R_HOME by reading the Windows Registry.

    Rem Function to get the value from the registry
    Function GetRegistryValue(keyPath As String, valueName As String) As String
        Dim Reg As Object
        Dim Key As String
        Dim Value As String
        Rem Create WScript.Shell to interact with the registry
        Set Reg = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        Rem Try to read the registry value
        On Error Resume Next
        Value = Reg.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" & keyPath & "\" & valueName)
        On Error GoTo 0
        Rem Return the result (the registry value)
        GetRegistryValue = Value
    End Function
    Rem Function to get the R installation directory path
    Function GetR_HOME() As String
        Rem Call GetRegistryValue to retrieve the R "InstallPath" from the registry
        GetR_HOME = GetRegistryValue("SOFTWARE\R-core\R", "InstallPath")
    End Function