
Why is CompareTo() not recommended for checking equality?

I was reading about best practices for comparing strings and saw these two points:

Unfortunately no explanation is provided as to why it's not recommended.

Can someone explain why it's bad to use CompareTo() to check for equality?


  • If you look at the documentation for CompareTo it provides an example of a comparison that returns 0 for two strings that should sort equally but are not equal. If we modify the sample slightly:

    using System;
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal";
          string o1 = "animal";
          Console.WriteLine("Comparison of '{0}' and '{1}': {2}", 
                            s1, o1, s1.CompareTo(o1));
            Console.WriteLine("Are equal? '{0}'", s1.Equals(o1));


    Comparison of 'ani­mal' and 'animal': 0
    Are equal? 'False'

    Of course, the other reason to avoid them is that using Equals more clearly encodes your intent if you're trying to test for equality.