
Does Azure's EntraID support dynamic custom claims?

I need to dynamically add a custom claim to a token requested from EntraId for intra-application authentification.

I have an azure api management (apim) instance that authenticates a client request via the given subscription key. The subscription key is linked to a product and i need to pass on this product information to my backend api, which is a data-api-builder (dab) instance. Dab accepts jwt authentication and accepts custom roles if they are present in the jwt and the X-MS-API-ROLE header.

Hence my idea was to have apim request a token (client_credentials flow) from EntraId with the custom role claim dynamically set in the request and pass on the token.

    return "client_id={client_id}" + 
           "&client_secret={client_secret}" + 
           "&scope=api://{app_id}/.default" + 
           "&grant_type=client_credentials" + 
           "&claims=" + Uri.EscapeDataString("{\"roles\":\"" + context.Variables["productId"] + "\"}");

Unfortunately, it seems that, while entraid does issue a token with the correct audience, my custom claims are simply omitted. My research seems to indicate that the client_credentials grant type does not support custom claims. Is this correct?

How could I work around this limitation of the identity provider?


  • Note that: If you are making use of Client Credential flow, then you cannot configure custom claims or dynamic custom claims.

    If you want to add the above claims, then check the below:

    Create a policy:

    New-AzureADPolicy -Definition @('{"ClaimsMappingPolicy": {"Version": 1,"ClaimsSchema":[
    {"Source": "application","ID": "DisplayName","JwtClaimType": "AppName"}]}}') -DisplayName "Claim-displayname" -Type "ClaimsMappingPolicy"

    Assign the policy to Service Principal:

    Add-AzureADServicePrincipalPolicy -Id SPObjID -RefObjectId PolicyID

    enter image description here

    Generated token via client credential flow:

    When decoded the token, custom claim is displayed:

    enter image description here


    using client credential flow, how can I add a custom claim to the access token - Microsoft Q&A by Shweta Mathur.