I have the following script that creates a new class in the WMI called MonitorDetails which collects data from the registry for each monitor connected to a computer.
The Manufacturer field contains only the first 3 letters of the manufacturer.
I've added a hashtable to replace the 3 letters to a full name, but can't get it to work.
Here's the script including the hashtable:
# This script reads the EDID information stored in the registry for the currently connected monitors
# and stores their most important pieces of identification (Name, Size, Serial Number etc) in WMI
# for later retrieval by SCCM
# Reads the 4 bytes following $index from $array then returns them as an integer interpreted in little endian
function Get-LittleEndianInt($array, $index) {
# Create a new temporary array to reverse the endianness in
$temp = @(0) * 4
[Array]::Copy($array, $index, $temp, 0, 4)
# Then convert the byte data to an integer
[System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($temp, 0)
# Creates a new class in WMI to store our data
function Create-Wmi-Class() {
$newClass = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass("root\cimv2", [String]::Empty, $null);
$newClass["__CLASS"] = "MonitorDetails";
$newClass.Qualifiers.Add("Static", $true)
$newClass.Properties.Add("DeviceID", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
$newClass.Properties["DeviceID"].Qualifiers.Add("key", $true)
$newClass.Properties["DeviceID"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true)
$newClass.Properties.Add("ManufacturingYear", [System.Management.CimType]::UInt32, $false)
$newClass.Properties["ManufacturingYear"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true)
$newClass.Properties.Add("ManufacturingWeek", [System.Management.CimType]::UInt32, $false)
$newClass.Properties["ManufacturingWeek"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true)
$newClass.Properties.Add("DiagonalSize", [System.Management.CimType]::UInt32, $false)
$newClass.Properties["DiagonalSize"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true)
$newClass.Properties["DiagonalSize"].Qualifiers.Add("Description", "Diagonal size of the monitor in inches")
$newClass.Properties.Add("Manufacturer", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
$newClass.Properties["Manufacturer"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true)
$newClass.Properties.Add("Name", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
$newClass.Properties["Name"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true)
$newClass.Properties.Add("SerialNumber", [System.Management.CimType]::String, $false)
$newClass.Properties["SerialNumber"].Qualifiers.Add("read", $true)
# Check whether we already created our custom WMI class on this PC, if not, create it
[void](gwmi MonitorDetails -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable wmiclasserror)
if ($wmiclasserror) {
try { Create-Wmi-Class }
catch {
"Could not create WMI class"
Exit 1
$ManufacturerHash = @{
"AAC" = "AcerView";
"ACR" = "Acer";
"AOC" = "AOC";
"AIC" = "AG Neovo";
"APP" = "Apple Computer";
"AST" = "AST Research";
"AUO" = "Asus";
"BNQ" = "BenQ";
"CMO" = "Acer";
"CPL" = "Compal";
"CPQ" = "Compaq";
"CPT" = "Chunghwa Pciture Tubes, Ltd.";
"CTX" = "CTX";
"DEC" = "DEC";
"DEL" = "Dell";
"DPC" = "Delta";
"DWE" = "Daewoo";
"EIZ" = "EIZO";
"ELS" = "ELSA";
"ENC" = "EIZO";
"EPI" = "Envision";
"FCM" = "Funai";
"FUJ" = "Fujitsu";
"FUS" = "Fujitsu-Siemens";
"GSM" = "LG Electronics";
"GWY" = "Gateway 2000";
"HEI" = "Hyundai";
"HIT" = "Hyundai";
"HSL" = "Hansol";
"HTC" = "Hitachi/Nissei";
"HWP" = "HP";
"IBM" = "IBM";
"ICL" = "Fujitsu ICL";
"IVM" = "Iiyama";
"KDS" = "Korea Data Systems";
"LEN" = "Lenovo";
"LGD" = "Asus";
"LPL" = "Fujitsu";
"MAX" = "Belinea";
"MEI" = "Panasonic";
"MEL" = "Mitsubishi Electronics";
"MS_" = "Panasonic";
"NAN" = "Nanao";
"NEC" = "NEC";
"NOK" = "Nokia Data";
"NVD" = "Fujitsu";
"OPT" = "Optoma";
"PHL" = "Philips";
"REL" = "Relisys";
"SAN" = "Samsung";
"SAM" = "Samsung";
"SBI" = "Smarttech";
"SGI" = "SGI";
"SNY" = "Sony";
"SRC" = "Shamrock";
"SUN" = "Sun Microsystems";
"SEC" = "Hewlett-Packard";
"TAT" = "Tatung";
"TOS" = "Toshiba";
"TSB" = "Toshiba";
"VSC" = "ViewSonic";
"ZCM" = "Zenith";
"UNK" = "Unknown";
"_YV" = "Fujitsu";
# Iterate through the monitors in Device Manager
$monitorInfo = @()
gwmi Win32_PnPEntity -Filter "Service='monitor'" | % { $k=0 } {
$mi = @{}
$mi.Caption = $_.Caption
$mi.DeviceID = $_.DeviceID
# Then look up its data in the registry
$path = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\" + $_.DeviceID + "\Device Parameters"
$edid = (Get-ItemProperty $path EDID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).EDID
# Some monitors, especially those attached to VMs either don't have a Device Parameters key or an EDID value. Skip these
if ($edid -ne $null) {
# Collect the information from the EDID array in a hashtable
$mi.Manufacturer += [char](64 + [Int32]($edid[8] / 4))
$mi.Manufacturer += [char](64 + [Int32]($edid[8] % 4) * 8 + [Int32]($edid[9] / 32))
$mi.Manufacturer += [char](64 + [Int32]($edid[9] % 32))
$mi.ManufacturingWeek = $edid[16]
$mi.ManufacturingYear = $edid[17] + 1990
$mi.HorizontalSize = $edid[21]
$mi.VerticalSize = $edid[22]
$mi.DiagonalSize = [Math]::Round([Math]::Sqrt($mi.HorizontalSize*$mi.HorizontalSize + $mi.VerticalSize*$mi.VerticalSize) / 2.54)
# Walk through the four descriptor fields
for ($i = 54; $i -lt 109; $i += 18) {
# Check if one of the descriptor fields is either the serial number or the monitor name
# If yes, extract the 13 bytes that contain the text and append them into a string
if ((Get-LittleEndianInt $edid $i) -eq 0xff) {
for ($j = $i+5; $edid[$j] -ne 10 -and $j -lt $i+18; $j++) { $mi.SerialNumber += [char]$edid[$j] }
if ((Get-LittleEndianInt $edid $i) -eq 0xfc) {
for ($j = $i+5; $edid[$j] -ne 10 -and $j -lt $i+18; $j++) { $mi.Name += [char]$edid[$j] }
# If the horizontal size of this monitor is zero, it's a purely virtual one (i.e. RDP only) and shouldn't be stored
if ($mi.HorizontalSize -ne 0) {
$monitorInfo += $mi
Write-Host $mi.Manufacturer
# Clear WMI
Get-WmiObject MonitorDetails | Remove-WmiObject
# And store the data in WMI
$monitorInfo | % { $i=0 } {
[void](Set-WmiInstance -Path \\.\root\cimv2:MonitorDetails -Arguments @{DeviceID=$_.DeviceID; ManufacturingYear=$_.ManufacturingYear; `
ManufacturingWeek=$_.ManufacturingWeek; DiagonalSize=$_.DiagonalSize; Manufacturer=$_.Manufacturer; Name=$_.Name; SerialNumber=$_.SerialNumber})
#"Set-WmiInstance -Path \\.\root\cimv2:MonitorDetails -Arguments @{{DeviceID=`"{0}`"; ManufacturingYear={1}; ManufacturingWeek={2}; DiagonalSize={3}; Manufacturer=`"{4}`"; Name=`"{5}`"; SerialNumber=`"{6}`"}}" -f $_.DeviceID, $_.ManufacturingYear, $_.ManufacturingWeek, $_.DiagonalSize, $_.Manufacturer, $_.Name, $_.SerialNumber
Please help
You could replace $mi.Manufacturer
with the corresponding value from the hashtable just before collecting to $monitorInfo
if ($mi.HorizontalSize -ne 0) {
if ($ManufacturerHash.Contains($mi.Manufacturer)) {
$mi.Manufacturer = $ManufacturerHash[$mi.Manufacturer]
$monitorInfo += $mi