I wonder if someone can help me with running some code as a batch file with CMD. I have a list of files in a directory, that i wish to replace the filename e.g. "Myprefix-" with "Thisisnew_" and move the files to a new location.
File names are currently like MyPrefix-INVOICE1_C.PDF I would like them replaced with Thisisnew_INVOICE_C.PDF Then move them into another directory (not copy)
I have found this script, but even when I add pause to the end, I cant see what the issue is as it does not run.
SET Loc1Dir=D:\sql\Reports\Mycustomer\Incoming
SET Loc2Dir=D:\sql\Reports\Mycustomer\PDF
CD /D "%Loc1Dir%"
FOR /R %%F IN ("*-*.PDF") DO CALL :copyFile %%~F %%~NXF
SET copyfname=%~1
SET fname=%~2
SET fname=%fname:MyPrefix-=Thisisnew_%
ECHO F | XCOPY /Y /F "%copyfname%" "%Loc2Dir%\%fname%"
:::XCOPY /Y /F "%copyfname%" "%Loc2Dir%\"
:::REN "%copyfname%" "%fname%"
SET "Loc1Dir=U:\sql\Reports\Mycustomer\Incoming"
SET "Loc2Dir=U:\sql\Reports\Mycustomer\PDF"
CD /D "%Loc1Dir%"
FOR /R %%E IN ("myprefix-*.PDF") DO CALL :copyFile "%%~E" "%%~NXE"
SET "fname=%~2"
SET "fname=%fname:MyPrefix-=Thisisnew_%"
ECHO MOVE "%~1" "%Loc2Dir%\%fname%"
I use U:
for testing, so any drive references have been changed.
Insert setlocal
. This ensures that changes made to the environment from running one batch does not pollute the environment for the next batch run in the same cmd
Use set "var=value"
for setting string values - this avoids potential
problems caused by trailing spaces.
Use required prefix in the filemask so that files myprefix-*
only are detected. This eliminates the possibility of detecting a file named NOTmyprefix-*
and changing that to NOTThisisnew_*
I prefer to avoid ADFNPSTXZ (in either case) as metavariables (loop-control variables) as ADFNPSTXZ are also metavariable-modifiers which can lead to difficult-to-find bugs (See for/f
from the prompt for documentation) - metavariable changed from F
to E
Quoted parameters delivered to subroutine to avoid potential problems with spaces.
Syntax error - GOTO: EOF
should be GOTO :EOF
Relevant move
command constructed and echoed for verification. To activate once verified, remove echo
keyword. Append >nul
to suppress ...file(s) copied
To view the report when using point-click-and-giggle methodology, insert the PAUSE
line after the for...