I'm working on a Django-based website and encountering an issue with a grey space appearing between my fixed navbar and the content on the home page. The grey space appears only on the initial page load, and once I interact with the page (like scrolling), the grey space disappears, and the layout corrects itself.
Here's what happens:
What I've Tried: I’ve traced the issue to this JavaScript that adjusts the margin of the content based on the height of the navbar:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
var navbar = document.getElementById("navbar");
var content = document.querySelector(".content");
function adjustContentMargin() {
var navbarHeight = navbar.offsetHeight;
content.style.marginTop = navbarHeight + "px";
// Adjust margin on page load
window.onload = function() {
// Re-adjust on window resize
window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
What I Need:
I want the content to never overlap with the navbar, but also avoid the grey space on initial load. I need to:
It looks like your adjustContentMargin
applies different margin-top
to your content element.
possible quick fix: You've mentioned that this only happens on the pageLoad event, so try to remove the:
// Adjust margin on page load
window.onload = function() {
this should leave you with the happy flow you described, on page load no gray space, but after user interaction (scroll?) the adjustment will happen.
It seems that you want to achieve a navbar, that will be "fixed" to the top of the page once the user is scrolling, and when the user is at the top of the page the navbar should "be at the top" without causing layout shifts.
try to add a "ghost" element that will take the navbar space (mainly height i guess)
this element can be a sibling of the navbar fixed element. (allowing it to take the needed space we currently using margin
to compensate the gap with.
so html should look something like:
<div id="ghost-navbar" style="it should have the same dimensions as the navbar">...</div>
<div id="your-navbar" class="fixed-styled-element">...</div>
<div class="content"></div>
I believe this should help you achieve what you're after. and you won't need JS here to change your page layout causing unnecessary layout shifting because:
make sure the ghost element has the lowest z-index
if this is somehow changed in your code.
I hope this helps you. Cheers.