I've been using HeadlessChromium in my PHP project on Ubuntu Server 23.10. Until recently, this worked to set up a new browser:
$browserFactory = new \HeadlessChromium\BrowserFactory();
$browser = $browserFactory->createBrowser
'windowSize' => [1024, 768],
'debugLogger' => 'php://stderr',
Today I upgraded Chrome to version 128.0.6613.84
The above code started giving this error:
PHP message: RuntimeException: Chrome process stopped before startup completed. Additional info: mkdir: cannot create directory '/var/www/.local': Permission denied
So I created /var/www/.local and set its owner to www-data. Now I get this error:
PHP message: RuntimeException: Chrome process stopped before startup completed. Additional info: chrome_crashpad_handler: --database is required
I've tried adding a few more options to no avail:
$browser = $browserFactory->createBrowser
'windowSize' => [1024, 768],
'debugLogger' => 'php://stderr',
'args' =>
As far a I can tell the 'args' array has no effect.
The problem, as identified by @MartinZeitler is that there are directories missing from the www-data home directory. This solved the problem on my server (Ubuntu 23.10):
sudo mkdir ~www-data/.local ~www-data/.config ~www-data/.cache ~www-data/.pki && sudo chown www-data:www-data ~www-data/.local ~www-data/.config ~www-data/.cache ~www-data/.pki
In my case, the www-data home directory is /var/www