
Using download percentage to implement Java recursion

Public class JavaRecursion {
  static void downloadStatus(int percentage) {
    System.out.println("download is at " + percentage + "%\n"):


  Static void downloadIncrease() {
    Int speed = 0;

    While(speed < 100) {


    Public static void main(String[] args) {

  } // closing the class bracket

So I want to implement recursion where two function calls each other repeatedly

Download increase adds speed which gets passed as an argument to percentage parameter in downloadStatus method

So the idea is for every increases in download speed, downloadstatus method would be called to print the update and then downloadincrease would be called to increase the download percentage again etc

This would basically go on until download percentage reaches 100%

I've checked the logic for my loop statement and it works because immediately I stopped calling one method from the other, the whole thing printed to 100% without error, but I specifically want one method to do the download increase and another to print the update statement, and for them to keep calling each other until download reaches 100%

But I keep getting stackoverflow error and the code prints "the download is at 1%" several times before throwing this error, what am I doing wrong???

Can anyone advise?


  • The code in your question does not compile.

    Is that your actual code?

    The problem with your code is, in the first iteration of the while loop (in method downloadIncrease) methods downloadIncrease and downloadStatus call each other infinitely. In other words, the while loop is only ever iterated once. And since the methods call each other infinitely, eventually the call stack fills up and you get StackOverflowError. That's why

    the code prints "the download is at 1%" several times before throwing this error

    (As you wrote in your question.)

    If you are using an IDE – such as Eclipse or IntelliJ – then run your code using the debugger of the IDE to verify my explanation of the problem with your code.

    Hence the while loop is not the correct way to terminate recursion. Rather you need an if, i.e.

    if (speed < 100)

    However, this will still not solve your problem since in each call to method downloadIncrease you are re-setting speed to 0 (zero). speed needs to be a method parameter and the first time you call method downloadIncrease (from method main) you should pass 0 as the value for speed.

    Here is your code with my corrections.

    public class JavaRecursion {
        static void downloadStatus(int percentage) {
            System.out.println("download is at " + percentage + "%");
        static void downloadIncrease(int speed) {
            if (speed < 100) {
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    Here is output from a sample run.

    download is at 1%
    download is at 2%
    download is at 3%
    download is at 4%
    download is at 5%
    download is at 6%
    download is at 7%
    download is at 8%
    download is at 9%
    download is at 10%
    download is at 11%
    download is at 12%
    download is at 13%
    download is at 14%
    download is at 15%
    download is at 16%
    download is at 17%
    download is at 18%
    download is at 19%
    download is at 20%
    download is at 21%
    download is at 22%
    download is at 23%
    download is at 24%
    download is at 25%
    download is at 26%
    download is at 27%
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