
I am unable to choose a build in Appstoreconnect. The builds show up, but are disabled. No Error is displayed, what could be the reason?

I have uploaded many builds to appstoreconnect before, but have never encountered this issue:

enter image description here

Does anyone have an idea what the reason/issue could be here? Did anyone encounter this before?


  • There was actually an issue which apple had with the build itself. The build was running perfectly fine and downloadable through Testflight, but the developer who uploaded the build with Xcode received an email which outlined some kind of issue.

    So in case you run into this:

    1. Find the developer who uploaded the build (if you are lucky this is you 🙃)
    2. Tell that developer to search for an email from Apple with the title "The uploaded build for YOUR_APP_NAME has one or more issues."
    3. Within that email you should find information on what exactly Apple does not like with the build.

    I've no idea why the issues with the build are not shown within Appstoreconnect or at least sent to every developer and app manager of that app. It seems very weird for me that it is necessary to hunt for an email which is only sent to one specific developer.

    Note that the build being downloadable through Testflight and receiving the Email with the title "YOUR_APP_NAME x.y.z (BUILD_NUMBER) is ready to test on iOS." is no guarantee that the same build can be sent in for the actual store review.