
PayPal receiving order not approved even onApprove function triggered

Trying to test sandbox createOrder Capture Order with angular Receiving "Payer has not yet approved the Order for payment" Order is created correctly.

Angular code

try {
      this.paypal = await loadScript({ clientId : clientId  });
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("failed to load the PayPal JS SDK script", error,HttpStatusCode);
    if (this.paypal) {
        try {
            await this.paypal.Buttons({
              style: {
                layout: 'vertical',
                color: 'gold',
              createOrder : this.createOrderPaypal(),// this returns from backend
              onApprove : (data: any, actions: any) => {

        } catch (error) {
            console.error("failed to render the PayPal Buttons", error);

backend dotnet code:

private async Task<dynamic> _CreateOrder(PayPalOrder newOrder,string _paypalClientId, string _paypalClientSecret, string _base)
                  var accessToken = await GenerateAccessToken(_paypalClientId,_paypalClientSecret,_base);
                  var url = $"{_base}/v2/checkout/orders";
                  var payload = new
                        intent = "CAPTURE",
                        purchase_units = new[]
                                    description = newOrder.Description,
                                    amount = new
                                          currency_code = newOrder.CurrencyCode,
                                          value = newOrder.Value


                  var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
                  return await HandleResponse(response);

            private async Task<dynamic> _CaptureOrder(string orderID, string _paypalClientId, string _paypalClientSecret, string _base)
                  var accessToken = await GenerateAccessToken(_paypalClientId,_paypalClientSecret,_base);
                  var url = $"{_base}/v2/checkout/orders/{orderID}/capture";


                  var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
                  return await HandleResponse(response);

Receiving "Payer has not yet approved the Order for payment" Order is created correctly.


  • createOrder : this.createOrderPaypal(),

    createOrder should be set to a function (that returns), which normally would not itself be function evaluation/return. Instead try:

    createOrder : this.createOrderPaypal,

    It also appears wrong that this.approveOrderPayPal is not taking the id to capture as a parameter.

    Both these functions should be included in the question for if anything else is wrong within them.