I am new to the Mantine library and I want to customize their calendar so it will shown red dates when any of the rooms is occupied. The database and other behind it is working, I tried it on react-calendar
, but I wanted something more modern looking right out of the box. I can't find any tutorial on what is wrong with this or how to do it.
"use client";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Calendar, CalendarStylesNames } from "@mantine/dates";
import { Booking } from "../types";
import "@mantine/dates/styles.css";
interface CalendarProps {
bookings: Booking[];
const MyCalendar: React.FC<CalendarProps> = ({ bookings }) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState<Date | null>(new Date());
const isDateOccupied = (date: Date) => {
return (
Array.isArray(bookings) &&
(booking) =>
new Date(booking.check_in_date) <= date &&
new Date(booking.check_out_date) >= date
const getOccupiedRoomsForDate = (date: Date) => {
return bookings
(booking) =>
new Date(booking.check_in_date) <= date &&
new Date(booking.check_out_date) >= date
.map((booking) => booking.room_number);
return (
day: (occupied: any) => ({
backgroundColor: occupied ? "#ff6b6b" : "#ffffff",
color: occupied ? "#ffffff" : "#000000",
export default MyCalendar;
I was trying some variations, but I am not really good with advanced CSS because I am used to Tailwind. Here is variation I tried from other tutorial, but this one doesn't work either.
const getDayStyle = (date: Date, params: CalendarStylesParams) => {
const isOccupied = isDateOccupied(date);
return {
backgroundColor: isOccupied
? "#ff6b6b"
: params.day.weekend
? "#f0f0f0"
: "#ffffff",
color: isOccupied ? "#ffffff" : "#000000",
cursor: "pointer",
return (
I'm not sure how to do this using styles-prop but here's one way to achive this.
Create css module file MyCalendar.module.css
. The following will set different styles for disabled and non-disabled days.
.day {
color: #000000;
background-color: #ffffff;
&[data-disabled] {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #ff6b6b;
Next we need to set occupied dates as disabled using the excludeDate
import classes from "./MyCalenday.module.css";
return (
excludeDate={(date) => isDateOccupied(date)}
classNames={{day: classes.day}}