
What's the equivalent of "Resume" icon in Jetpack Compose Material Icons?

I am implementing the extended Material Icons library in my gradle file:

implementation 'androidx.compose.material:material-icons-extended:1.6.8'

Although I can find almost all of the icons, by the same name as they appear on the Google site, I'm not finding the "Resume" icon, as you can see in the image below:

enter image description here

How do I know if this icon is in the library or not? Is it under a different name? If not, how can I find an icon similar to this one?


  • I checked Google's official document about Icons. They wrote that:

    Icons maintain the same names defined by Material, but with their snake_case name converted to PascalCase. For example: add_alarm becomes AddAlarm.

    So I think if you couldn't find it in Icons with the name Resume then it means it doesn't exist in this library. There's a Not Started Icon in the library that I found quite similar to the Resume, you can try it. If you still want to use the Resume, just download it .