
Scheduled SuiteScript to load a CSV from File Cabinet and append saved search results to CSV and save

I am attempting to create a historical csv backup (appended rather than overwritten) to our file cabinet using a saved searches results (on a once a week schedule).

I know its possible to write a saved searches results to a CSV (using task), but I'm not sure how I can append instead (maybe using file.appendline?). Here is what I've come up with which results in the appended data being "task.SearchTask" instead of the saved search results:

 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType ScheduledScript
define(['N/file', 'N/task'],
 * @param{file} file
 * @param{task} task
    (file, task) => {

         * Defines the Scheduled script trigger point.
         * @param {Object} scriptContext
         * @param {string} scriptContext.type - Script execution context. Use values from the scriptContext.InvocationType enum.
         * @since 2015.2

        //[file ID, Saved Search ID]
        const keys = [
            [72567, 1701]

        const execute = (scriptContext) => {
            for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                var searchTask = task.create({
                    taskType: task.TaskType.SEARCH,
                    savedsearchId: keys[i][1]

                var csvFile = file.load({
                    id: keys[i][0]

                //This probably doesn't work...
                    value: searchTask


        return {execute}


Any assistance would be appreciated!


  • The issue you're encountering is because task.create() doesn't directly return the results of the saved search; instead, it returns a SearchTask object representing the background task. You need to execute the search, fetch the results, and append them to the CSV file. Here's a corrected approach:

    1. Use task.create() to initiate the search task.

    2. Retrieve the saved search results using or search.runPaged().

    3. Append the results to the CSV file.

         * @NApiVersion 2.1
         * @NScriptType ScheduledScript
        define(['N/file', 'N/search', 'N/task', 'N/log'],
            (file, search, task, log) => {
                const keys = [
                    [72567, 1701] // File ID, Saved Search ID
                const execute = (scriptContext) => {
                    keys.forEach(([fileId, savedSearchId]) => {
                        // Load the CSV file from the file cabinet
                        var csvFile = file.load({
                            id: fileId
                        // Create a search object using the saved search ID
                        var searchObj = search.load({
                            id: savedSearchId
                        // Run the search and get the results in pages to avoid memory issues
                        var pagedResults = searchObj.runPaged({
                            pageSize: 1000 // Adjust as needed
                        pagedResults.pageRanges.forEach(function (pageRange) {
                            var page = pagedResults.fetch({
                                index: pageRange.index
                   (result) {
                                var csvLine = => result.getValue(col)).join(',');
                                    value: csvLine
                        // Save the appended CSV file back to the file cabinet
                return { execute };