After update visual studio to 17.11.3, in almost every file that i opened with visual studio threw some warning:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning (active) TS1109 (JS) Expression expected. Miscellaneous D:\xxx\Components\Core\DialogConfirmComponent.razor__virtual.html__virtual.js 9
As on screen
Is it some .net bug ? or i should do something with it? no idea what it is this _virtual.html_virtual.js
? guess some temp file?
before update there was no such things...?
thanks and regards
Minimal Reproducible Example
<MudButton Variant="Variant.Filled" Color="Color.Primary" DropShadow="false" OnClick="@(()=>blabla())">Validate</MudButton>
@code {
public void blabla()
ok i found it for future searchers
from version of visual studio 17.11.3
OnClick="@(async () => await Validate())">
i causing this isasue
@onclick="@(async () => await Validate())">
is not throwing it.
but the OnClick should also work as it is part of the api
please if someone known - why this is throwing it now? i added minimal example in first post/question
i downgraded to visual studio 17.10.5 and NO WARNINGS so issue is only in 17.11.3.
so it is issue with VS i opened case for them
edit. yes it is their bug and slould e fixed.