
Class and macro with same name from different libraries

In my project I am using 2 libraries. One defines a Status macro and the other has a class named Status in a namespace. This results in a conflict when using the class Status in my code:

// first library
namespace Test {
    class Status {};

// second library
#define Status int

// my code
int main() {
    Test::Status test;
    return 0;


error: expected unqualified-id before ‘int’
    8 | #define Status int

How can I use both libraries in my project?


  • If you do not need to use the Status macro defined by the 2nd library, then you can simply do the following :

    #include <second-library.h>
    #undef Status
    #include <first-library.h>

    If you want to be able to use the Status macro defined by the 2nd library, and the macro expands to a type, you can do the following:

    #include <second-library.h>
    using Status2 = Status;
    #undef Status
    #include <first-library.h>

    And then use it as Status2 instead of Status.

    If you want to be able to use the Status macro, but the macro expands to something other than a type, then I am afraid there is no easy solution. You will probably have to wrap one of the libraries into a library of your own, so that you can redefine everything you need, so that there are no conflicts. The added benefit of doing this wrapping is that the main body of your code will not depend on that library anymore, so in the future you could swap that library with another that achieves an equivalent thing, and for that to happen, the only thing you will need to change is the wrapper.