
Separate a ingredients/feature into separate columns that is marked with "0" or "1"

I'm looking at a some food waste data where I have a fair bit of data including the Ingredients for what was in the food. I'm trying to do some ML on the data, and I'm having some trouble getting it ready.


I am able to separate all of individual ingredients into there own column, but I am struggling marking a 1 when that ingredient is in the list/column of Ingredients.


I have been trying something along the lines of going row by row and seeing if the column name is in the Ingredients column then changing that to a 1. I haven't got very close at all, but this is the current disaster I have been trying. Also have experimented with get_dummies and a few others.

Is there an easier way of doing this?

def xs_os(df, Ingredients_Column):
    df2 = df.drop("Ingredients", axis = 0) 
    for z in df:
        for x in list(df2.columns.values):
            if x in str(Ingredients_Column):
      [z, df[x]] = 1
xs_os(df, df['Ingredients'])


  • A solution using scikit-learn MultiLabelBinarizer, which is precisely designed for what you want to do:

    from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            "food": [
                "pepper steak", 
                "baked salmon"
                "black pepper,steak", 
                "salmon,salt,black pepper"
    mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer()
    ingredients_lists = df["ingredients"].str.split(",")
    ingredients_dummies_df = pd.DataFrame(
        columns = mlb.classes_,
    df = pd.concat([df, ingredients_dummies_df], axis= 1)

    Beware that in your precise case, you may have to remove blanks before ingredient names to avoid creating a column " pepper" (with a preceding white space) in addition to the column "pepper". For instance,

    ingredients_lists = df["ingredients"].str.replace(", ", ",").str.split(",")