
Search not finding geometric set in tree CATIA Vba

I have a macro to join curves and everything works fine except for the search method. I if I set the In-work object to different geometric sets, the macro will find some of the sets, but not all of them. I am not sure why. The macro is supposed to paste the results into the current in-work geometric set.

This is the VBA Code I am working on:

Option Explicit

    '   Macro: Join_Explicit_No_Connect.bas
    '   Version: 1.0
    '   Code: CATIA VBA
    '   Release:   V5R32
    '   Purpose: Macro to join multiple un connected curves and isolates them
    '   Author: KaiUR
    '   Date: 13.09.24
    '   Change:
Sub CATMain()
    CATIA.StatusBar = "Join_Explicit_No_Connect.bas, Version 1.0"    'Update Status Bar text
    'On Error Resume Next
    'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim PartDocumentCurrent As Document                             'Current Open Document
    Dim partCurrent As Part                                         'Current Open part
    Dim sel As CATBaseDispatch                                      'User Selection
    Dim InputObjectType(0) As Variant                               'iFilter for user input
    Dim Status As String                                            'Status of User selectin

    Dim Index As Integer                                            'Index for loops
    Dim cCount As Integer                                           'Curves Count

    Dim joinCurves As HybridShapeAssemble                           'New Join
    Dim RefCurves() As Reference                                    'Curve references
    Dim Wzk3D As CATBaseDispatch                                    'hybridshapefactory anchor
    Dim geoSet As HybridBody                                        'Geomeetric set
    Dim searchName As String                                        'Name of item to search
    Dim hybridShapesCount As Integer                                'Number of items in set
    Dim Error As Integer
    Dim PPRDocumentCurrent As PPRDocument                           'PPR Document
    'Open Current Document
    Set PartDocumentCurrent = CATIA.ActiveDocument                  'Current Open Document Anchor

    'If cat product is open, get first part, if no part exit macro
    If (Right(PartDocumentCurrent.Name, (Len(PartDocumentCurrent.Name) - InStrRev(PartDocumentCurrent.Name, "."))) = "CATProduct") Then
        If (PartDocumentCurrent.Product.Products.Count < 1) Then
            Error = MsgBox("No Parts found" & vbNewLine & "Please Open a .CATPart to use this script or Open part in new window", vbCritical)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set partCurrent = PartDocumentCurrent.Product.Products.Item(1).ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part
    'If cat process is open, get first part, if no part exit macro
    ElseIf (Right(PartDocumentCurrent.Name, (Len(PartDocumentCurrent.Name) - InStrRev(PartDocumentCurrent.Name, "."))) = "CATProcess") Then
        Set PPRDocumentCurrent = PartDocumentCurrent.PPRDocument    'Anchor PPR Document
        If (PPRDocumentCurrent.Products.Count < 1) Then
            Error = MsgBox("No Products Found" & vbNewLine & "Please Open a .CATPart to use this script or Open part in new window", vbCritical)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set partCurrent = PPRDocumentCurrent.Products.Item(1).ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part
        Set partCurrent = PartDocumentCurrent.Part                   'Current Open Part Anchor
    End If

    Set sel = PartDocumentCurrent.Selection                         'Set up user selection
    sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection
    'Get User selection
    ' "MonoDimInfinite"  = Topological 1-D entity which may be infinite
    '   Multi-selection is supported (through a dedicated "Tools Palette" toolbar).
    '   The selection (through a trap for example) is triggered when the user validates the selection.
    '   The CTRL and SHIFT keys are supported.
    InputObjectType(0) = "MonoDimInfinite"                          'Set input type to curves
    'Get Input from User, get selections untill user acepts
    Status = sel.SelectElement3(InputObjectType, "Select curves to join", False, CATMultiSelTriggWhenUserValidatesSelection, False)
    If (Status = "Cancel") Then                                     'If User cancels or presses Esc, Exit Macro
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If sel.Count2 < 2 Then                                          'At least two things need to be selected
        Error = MsgBox("You need to select at least two curves", vbCritical)
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ReDim RefCurves(sel.Count2)                                     'Dynamic allocation acording to user input
    cCount = sel.Count2                                             'The amount of selected items
    For Index = 1 To sel.Count2                                     'Cycle through all inputs
        Set RefCurves(Index) = sel.Item2(Index).Reference           'Save selections to array
    sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection
    'Create new join
    Set Wzk3D = partCurrent.HybridShapeFactory                      'Anchor hybridshapefactory for use
    Set joinCurves = Wzk3D.AddNewJoin(RefCurves(1), RefCurves(2))   'Create new hybridshape assemble feature
    If cCount > 2 Then
        For Index = 3 To cCount                                     'Cycle through rest of curves
            joinCurves.AddElement RefCurves(Index)                  'Add curves to join
    End If
    joinCurves.SetAngularTolerance (0.5)                            'Set angle tol
    joinCurves.SetAngularToleranceMode (False)                      'Turn off angle tol mode
    joinCurves.SetConnex (False)                                    'Turn off check connex
    joinCurves.SetDeviation (0.001)                                 'Set merge distance
    joinCurves.SetFederationPropagation (0)                         'Set to no
    joinCurves.SetHealingMode (False)                               'No Heal
    joinCurves.SetSimplify (False)                                  'No simplify
    joinCurves.SetSuppressMode (True)                               'True is only option
    joinCurves.SetTangencyContinuity (False)                        'No tangent continuity
    joinCurves.SetManifold (True)                                   'Check Manifold
    searchName = partCurrent.InWorkObject.Name                      'Get name of in work object
    sel.Search "(NAME =" & searchName & "),all"                     'Search for in work object
    If (sel.Count2 <> 0) Then                                       'If result is found
        If sel.Item2(1).Type <> "Body" Then
            Set geoSet = sel.Item2(1).Value                          'Anchor geo set
            Set geoSet = partCurrent.HybridBodies.Add()              'Add New set
        End If
        Set geoSet = partCurrent.HybridBodies.Add()                  'Add New set
    End If
    sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection
    geoSet.AppendHybridShape joinCurves                             'Add join to set
    hybridShapesCount = geoSet.HybridShapes.Count                   'Number of items in set
    geoSet.HybridShapes.Item(hybridShapesCount).Name = "TEMP_JOIN"  'Rename Join
    partCurrent.Update                                              'Update Part
    'Create Datum
    sel.Search "(NAME =TEMP_JOIN),all"                              'Select temp_join
    sel.Copy                                                        'Copy
    sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection
    sel.Search "(NAME =" & geoSet.Name & "),all"                    'Select geoSet
    sel.PasteSpecial ("CATPrtResultWithOutLink")                    'Paste from clipboard as result without links
    sel.Clear                                                       'Clear selection
    hybridShapesCount = geoSet.HybridShapes.Count                   'Number of items in set
    sel.Search "(NAME =Join_Explicit.*),all"                         'Select all joins from this macro
    geoSet.HybridShapes.Item(hybridShapesCount).Name = "Join_Explicit." & sel.Count + 1 'Rename curve
    partCurrent.InWorkObject = geoSet.HybridShapes.Item(hybridShapesCount)
    sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection
    sel.Search "(NAME =TEMP_JOIN),all"                              'Select temp_join
    sel.Delete                                                      'Delete Selection
End Sub

The problems seem to be in this section:

    searchName = partCurrent.InWorkObject.Name                      'Get name of in work object
    sel.Search "(NAME =" & searchName & "),all"                     'Search for in work object
    If (sel.Count2 <> 0) Then                                       'If result is found
        If sel.Item2(1).Type <> "Body" Then
            Set geoSet = sel.Item2(1).Value                          'Anchor geo set
            Set geoSet = partCurrent.HybridBodies.Add()              'Add New set
        End If
        Set geoSet = partCurrent.HybridBodies.Add()                  'Add New set
    End If
    sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection

If I test the macro on a new file and create two curves and join them, it finds the geometric set and pastes in the result.

But in some files where the name of the geometric sets has been changes the macro cant find the set. One example of a set it can`t find is when I name it "D40-09_NC CURVES" I am not sure why it cant find the set. It always seems to be able to fins the set if the name is the default name.

I tried removing spaces and adding underscores. I used Debug.Print to see what the string looked like that I was searching for. The name of the set and the name that I am looking for seem identical. If I use the same name in the search function from the edit menu it fins the set, but the query doesn't work in the Vba code.

The search is not working the way I thought it should, perhaps I am using it incorrectly?


  • Alright, Thanks for the help and advice guys. I have modified my macro taking all the advice and suggestions into account.

    I Have removed all Selection.Search calls from the macro and I walk the tree instead to find what I am looking for and this seems to be more stable and consistent.

    Here is what I came up with now if anyone is interested:

    Option Explicit
        '   Macro: Join_Explicit_No_Connect.bas
        '   Version: 1.0
        '   Code: CATIA VBA
        '   Release:   V5R32
        '   Purpose: Macro to join multiple un connected curves and isolates them
        '   Author: KaiUR
        '   Date: 13.09.24
        '   Change:
    Sub CATMain()
        CATIA.StatusBar = "Join_Explicit_No_Connect.bas, Version 1.0"    'Update Status Bar text
        On Error GoTo myErrorHandler
        Const finalJoinName = "Join_Explicit"                           'name for result from macro
        Dim PartDocumentCurrent As Document                             'Current Open Document
        Dim partCurrent As Part                                         'Current Open part
        Dim sel As CATBaseDispatch                                      'User Selection
        Dim InputObjectType(0) As Variant                               'iFilter for user input
        Dim Status As String                                            'Status of User selectin
        Dim Index As Integer                                            'Index for loops
        Dim cCount As Integer                                           'Curves Count
        Dim joinCurves As HybridShapeAssemble                           'New Join
        Dim RefCurves() As Reference                                    'Curve references
        Dim Wzk3D As CATBaseDispatch                                    'hybridshapefactory anchor
        Dim geoSet As HybridBody                                        'Geomeetric set
        Dim searchName As String                                        'Name of item to search
        Dim hybridShapesCount As Integer                                'Number of items in set
        Dim Error As Integer
        Dim PPRDocumentCurrent As PPRDocument                           'PPR Document
        'Open Current Document
        Set PartDocumentCurrent = CATIA.ActiveDocument                  'Current Open Document Anchor
        'If cat product is open, get first part, if no part exit macro
        If (Right(PartDocumentCurrent.Name, (Len(PartDocumentCurrent.Name) - InStrRev(PartDocumentCurrent.Name, "."))) = "CATProduct") Then
            If (PartDocumentCurrent.Product.Products.count < 1) Then
                Error = MsgBox("No Parts found" & vbNewLine & "Please Open a .CATPart to use this script or Open part in new window", vbCritical)
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Set partCurrent = PartDocumentCurrent.Product.Products.Item(1).ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part
        'If cat process is open, get first part, if no part exit macro
        ElseIf (Right(PartDocumentCurrent.Name, (Len(PartDocumentCurrent.Name) - InStrRev(PartDocumentCurrent.Name, "."))) = "CATProcess") Then
            Set PPRDocumentCurrent = PartDocumentCurrent.PPRDocument    'Anchor PPR Document
            If (PPRDocumentCurrent.Products.count < 1) Then
                Error = MsgBox("No Products Found" & vbNewLine & "Please Open a .CATPart to use this script or Open part in new window", vbCritical)
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Set partCurrent = PPRDocumentCurrent.Products.Item(1).ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part
            Set partCurrent = PartDocumentCurrent.Part                   'Current Open Part Anchor
        End If
        Set sel = PartDocumentCurrent.Selection                         'Set up user selection
        sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection
        'Get User selection
        ' "MonoDimInfinite"  = Topological 1-D entity which may be infinite
        '   Multi-selection is supported (through a dedicated "Tools Palette" toolbar).
        '   The selection (through a trap for example) is triggered when the user validates the selection.
        '   The CTRL and SHIFT keys are supported.
        InputObjectType(0) = "MonoDimInfinite"                          'Set input type to curves
        'Get Input from User, get selections untill user acepts
        Status = sel.SelectElement3(InputObjectType, "Select curves to join", False, CATMultiSelTriggWhenUserValidatesSelection, False)
        If (Status = "Cancel") Then                                     'If User cancels or presses Esc, Exit Macro
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If sel.Count2 < 2 Then                                          'At least two things need to be selected
            Error = MsgBox("You need to select at least two curves", vbCritical)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ReDim RefCurves(sel.Count2)                                     'Dynamic allocation acording to user input
        cCount = sel.Count2                                             'The amount of selected items
        For Index = 1 To sel.Count2                                     'Cycle through all inputs
            Set RefCurves(Index) = sel.Item2(Index).Reference           'Save selections to array
        sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection
        'Create new join
        Set Wzk3D = partCurrent.HybridShapeFactory                      'Anchor hybridshapefactory for use
        Set joinCurves = Wzk3D.AddNewJoin(RefCurves(1), RefCurves(2))   'Create new hybridshape assemble feature
        If cCount > 2 Then
            For Index = 3 To cCount                                     'Cycle through rest of curves
                joinCurves.AddElement RefCurves(Index)                  'Add curves to join
        End If
        joinCurves.SetAngularTolerance (0.5)                            'Set angle tol
        joinCurves.SetAngularToleranceMode (False)                      'Turn off angle tol mode
        joinCurves.SetConnex (False)                                    'Turn off check connex
        joinCurves.SetDeviation (0.001)                                 'Set merge distance
        joinCurves.SetFederationPropagation (0)                         'Set to no
        joinCurves.SetHealingMode (False)                               'No Heal
        joinCurves.SetSimplify (False)                                  'No simplify
        joinCurves.SetSuppressMode (True)                               'True is only option
        joinCurves.SetTangencyContinuity (False)                        'No tangent continuity
        joinCurves.SetManifold (True)                                   'Check Manifold
        searchName = partCurrent.InWorkObject.Name                      'Get name of in work object
        Set geoSet = searchTreeGeo(searchName, partCurrent.HybridBodies) 'Search for in-Work GeoSet
        geoSet.AppendHybridShape joinCurves                             'Add join to set
        hybridShapesCount = geoSet.HybridShapes.count                   'Number of items in set
        partCurrent.Update                                              'Update Part
        'Create Datum
        sel.Add geoSet.HybridShapes.Item(hybridShapesCount)             'Select Temp Join
        sel.Copy                                                        'Copy
        sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection
        sel.Add geoSet                                                  'Select geoSet
        sel.PasteSpecial ("CATPrtResultWithOutLink")                    'Paste from clipboard as result without links
        sel.Clear                                                       'Clear selection
        hybridShapesCount = geoSet.HybridShapes.count                   'Number of items in set
        geoSet.HybridShapes.Item(hybridShapesCount).Name = setNameJoin(finalJoinName, partCurrent.HybridBodies)
        partCurrent.InWorkObject = geoSet.HybridShapes.Item(hybridShapesCount)
        sel.Clear                                                       'Clear Selection
        sel.Add geoSet.HybridShapes.Item(hybridShapesCount - 1)         'Select Temp Join
        sel.Delete                                                      'Delete Selection
        Exit Sub
        'Handle part update errors and manifold errors
        If StrComp("Method 'Update' of object 'Part' failed", Err.Description, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
            Error = MsgBox("Method 'Update' of object 'Part' failed." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "This can be caused by a Manifold error.", vbCritical)
            sel.Add geoSet.HybridShapes.Item(hybridShapesCount)
            Exit Sub
        'All other errors
            Error = MsgBox(Err.Description, vbCritical)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End Sub
    ' Function to search for geometric set name in top level, then if not found
    ' it will call a recursive function on all sub levels untill found. If not found
    ' a new set will be added
    Function searchTreeGeo(searchName As String, currentHybridBodies As HybridBodies) As HybridBody
        Dim Index As Integer                                            'Index for loop
        If currentHybridBodies.count = 0 Then                           'If no geometric sets
            Set searchTreeGeo = currentHybridBodies.Add()               'Add new set
            Exit Function                                               'Exit
        End If
        For Index = 1 To currentHybridBodies.count                      'For all geometric sets
            If StrComp(searchName, currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).Name, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then    'If set name = search
                Set searchTreeGeo = currentHybridBodies.Item(Index)     'Save set
                Exit Function                                           'Exit
                If currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridBodies.count > 0 Then  'If Sub Sets exist
                    Set searchTreeGeo = searchTreeGeoRecursive(searchName, currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridBodies)    'Call recursive search
                End If
            End If
        If searchTreeGeo Is Nothing Then                                    'If not found
            Set searchTreeGeo = currentHybridBodies.Add()                   'Add new Set
        End If
    End Function
    ' Recursive function to search for geometric set
    Function searchTreeGeoRecursive(searchName As String, currentHybridBodies As HybridBodies) As HybridBody
        Dim Index As Integer                                               'Index for loops
        For Index = 1 To currentHybridBodies.count                          'For all sets
            If StrComp(searchName, currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).Name, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then    'If found
                Set searchTreeGeoRecursive = currentHybridBodies.Item(Index)  'Save set
                Exit Function                                               'Exit
                If currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridBodies.count > 0 Then  'If sub sets exist
                    Set searchTreeGeoRecursive = searchTreeGeoRecursive(searchName, currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridBodies)   'Call resursive this function
                End If
            End If
    End Function
    ' Function to search for all instnces of results from this macro.
    ' Will check top level geometric sets first, then recursivly go through lower levels
    Function setNameJoin(finalJoinName As String, currentHybridBodies As HybridBodies) As String
        Dim Index As Integer                                            'Index for loop
        Dim IndexShapes As Integer                                       'Index for loop
        Dim count As Integer                                            'Counts instances
        count = 1                                                       'Initilise count
        For Index = 1 To currentHybridBodies.count                      'For all geometric sets
            If currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridShapes.count > 0 Then  'If elements exist
                For IndexShapes = 1 To currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridShapes.count   'Loop all elements
                    If InStr(1, currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridShapes.Item(IndexShapes).Name, finalJoinName, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then 'if found
                        count = count + 1                               'Increment count
                    End If
                If currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridBodies.count > 0 Then  'If geo sets exist
                    count = count + setNameJoinRecursive(finalJoinName, currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridBodies)   'Call recursive function
                End If
            End If
        setNameJoin = finalJoinName & "." & count                             'Set name
    End Function
    ' Recursive Function to search for all instnces of results from this macro.
    Function setNameJoinRecursive(finalJoinName As String, currentHybridBodies As HybridBodies) As String
        Dim Index As Integer                                                'Index for loop
        Dim IndexShapes As Integer                                          'Index for loop
        Dim count As Integer                                                'Counts instances
        count = 0                                                           'Initilise count
        For Index = 1 To currentHybridBodies.count                          'For all geometric sets
            If currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridShapes.count > 0 Then  'If elements exist
                For IndexShapes = 1 To currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridShapes.count   'Loop all elements
                    If InStr(1, currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridShapes.Item(IndexShapes).Name, finalJoinName, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then   'If found
                        count = count + 1                                   'Increment Count
                    End If
                If currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridBodies.count > 0 Then  'If geo sets exist
                    count = count + setNameJoinRecursive(finalJoinName, currentHybridBodies.Item(Index).HybridBodies)   'call this function on sets
                End If
            End If
        setNameJoinRecursive = count                                        'Set Counter
    End Function

    I am not sure if this is the most efficient way to do things, but it works all of the times that I have tested it. It always seems to find the In-Work geometric set.

    If anyone has anymore suggestions let me know.