I have created a custom plugin to set headers for requests in ktor
internal fun headersPlugin(defaultHeaders: DefaultHeaders) = createClientPlugin("headersPlugin") {
onRequest { request, _ ->
request.headers.apply {
append("requestFrom", defaultHeaders.requestFrom)
append("clientType", defaultHeaders.clientType)
append("User-Agent", defaultHeaders.userAgent)
append("AUTHTOKEN", defaultHeaders.authToken)
append("SESSIONID", defaultHeaders.sessionId)
Now I want to remove AUTHTOKEN
for a purticular API request in
fun getApiClient(): HttpClient = httpClient {
defaultRequest {
/* logic to remove AUTHTOKEN header by checking some annotation or something when a purticular API request is annotated or some variable to check */
/* Logging */
install(Logging) {
logger = object : Logger {
override fun log(message: String) {
Napier.v("HTTP Client", null, message)
level = LogLevel.ALL
}.also {
I already use retrofit and I am tring to migrate to KTOR
in retrofit I annotate method in service class with @IGNORE
annotation and in interceptor I check for IGNORE annotation and remove the header if present
val tag: Invocation? = request.tag(Invocation::class.java)
val method: Method? = tag?.method()
.addHeader("requestFrom", networkUtil.requestFrom)
.addHeader("clientType", "17")
.addHeader("User-Agent", networkUtil.userAgentInfo)
.addHeader("AUTHTOKEN", networkUtil.authKey)
.addHeader("SESSIONID", networkUtil.sessionId)
method?.also {
it.getAnnotation(Ignore::class.java)?.run {
if (this.keyName.contains(Ignore.AUTH_TOKEN)) {
if (!this.keyName.contains(Ignore.BASE_URL)) {
if (this.keyName.contains(Ignore.SESSION_ID) || networkUtil.sessionId.isEmpty()) {
} ?: run {
You can use Attributes
to control which default headers must be included in the request. You can have a specific attribute key for the AUTHTOKEN
header to avoid sending it when the attribute is present. Here is an example:
val disableAuthKey = AttributeKey<Boolean>("noAuthKey")
fun headersPlugin(defaultHeaders: DefaultHeaders) = createClientPlugin("headersPlugin") {
onRequest { request, _ ->
request.headers.apply {
if (!request.attributes.contains(disableAuthKey)) {
append("AUTHTOKEN", defaultHeaders.authToken)
suspend fun main() {
val client = HttpClient(OkHttp) {
client.get("https://httpbin.org/get") {
attributes.put(disableAuthKey, true)