I have the below data table
df <- data.table(col1 = 1:3
, col2 = 2:4
I would like to dynamically operate on a column, whose column name is stored in the below object:
metric <- 'col2'
but the below failed
df[, `:=` (col1 = col1 - 1
, as.name(metric) = as.numeric(get(metric))
Error: unexpected '=' in:
"df[, `:=` (col1 = col1 - 1
, as.name(metric) ="
I would like to operate on col1
and whatever column whose name is stored in metric
in one call.
Are there any methods other than the below (which works)
df[, c('col1', metric) := .(col1 - 1
, as.numeric(get(metric))
Using get()
in data.table has been retired. I think the proper way to do this these days is using env
I'll add 2 to the assignment so we can see it is modifying something:
df[, `:=`(
col1 = col1 - 1,
col = as.numeric(col) + 2
), env = list(col = metric)][]
# col1 col2
# <num> <num>
# 1: 0 4
# 2: 1 5
# 3: 2 6
Or using let()
, which is an alias for `:=`
as suggested by Roland in the comments:
col1 = col1 - 1,
col = as.numeric(col) + 2
env = list(col = metric)
] # same result