
How to show in postman collections run results summary the name of the folders next to the name of the requests

I have a set of healtcheck requests defined in postman. For every project I have a folder of calls which I would like to perform every day. After I run collection I am able to see the summary where I can see all the requests which were being run with their tests. But they are not divided by folders. Some of the requests have the same name like: "login". I would like to be able to understand which login "failed" and which not just by seeing the summary. but I cannot distinguish if they have same names. I do not want to rename the requests in all my projects and contain redundant information of the containing folder name. How can I configure postman to show also the containg folder name of the request on the summary page?

enter image description here


  • There currently isn't a way to show that folder structure in the Collection Runner UI.

    As your requests don't actually have any tests, if would be good to add those. With those in place, you could use pm.execution.location to see the location of the request and add this to the test name.

    Given the same Collection and Folder structure, you would need to reference the information you want to show to adding the index.

    pm.test(`${pm.execution.location[1]} - Status code is 200`, function () {;


    This isn't an ideal solution but it could make the location visible in the Collection Runner results view.