
Stubbing properly with postForEntity (returning ResponseEntity<DTO>) using Mockito

I am currently facing an odd behavior during my test,

The goal was to test the following registration method :

public class RegisterController {


    private final String secret = "";
    private final String url = "";
    private final UserService userService;
    private final VerificationTokenService tokenService;
    private final MailingService mailingService;


    public ResponseEntity<RestUser> register(@Valid @RequestBody User user, @RequestParam("token") String token) {
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
        map.add("secret", secret);
        map.add("response", token);
        // Preparing the request and extracts the response content.
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>> request = new HttpEntity<>(map, headers);
        ResponseEntity<CaptchaResponse> response = restTemplate.postForEntity(url, request, CaptchaResponse.class);
        CaptchaResponse captchaResponse = response.getBody();
        // Response is 200 OK (during test).
        // The body contains CaptchaResponse (during test).
        // Always false (during test) even with mocking.

        // If the captcha failed (always fails during tests).
        if (captchaResponse == null || !captchaResponse.isSuccess()) return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();
        // Returns the programmed rest user (without the disclosure of the token) as a positive response.
        return ResponseEntity.ok(u);

And so far the test written was :

public class RegisterControllerTest {
    private MockMvc mock;
    private RegisterController registerController;
    private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
    private UserService userService;
    private VerificationTokenService tokenService;
    private MailingService mailingService;
    private RestTemplate rest;
    // We don't want to repeat ourselves.
    private static User registeringUser;
    public static void initialize() {
        List<Role> defaultRoles = new ArrayList<Role>();
        defaultRoles.add(new Role("USER"));
        // Classic user that will attempt to register.
        registeringUser = new User("", "newenpoi", ".azerty");
    public void setup() {
        mock = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(registerController).build();

    @DisplayName("Test registration of a lambda user for production condition with valid captcha.")
    public void testRegisterProduction_shouldReturnRestUser_whenCaptchaSuccess() throws Exception {
        // Given.
        String token = "valid-token";
        RestUser expectedRest = new RestUser(registeringUser);
        VerificationToken expectedToken = new VerificationToken();
        // Simulate captcha response.
        CaptchaResponse captchaResponse = new CaptchaResponse();
        ResponseEntity<CaptchaResponse> responseEntity = new ResponseEntity<>(captchaResponse, HttpStatus.OK);
        // When.
        when(rest.postForEntity(anyString(), any(HttpEntity.class), eq(CaptchaResponse.class))).thenReturn(responseEntity);
        // Then.
        mock.perform(post("/api/auth/register").param("token", token).contentType("application/json").content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(registeringUser))).andExpect(status().isOk());

Whatever I attempt to do the success field from captchaResponse will always remain false, and I can't find what I am missing in my test in order to pass the if (captchaResponse == null || !captchaResponse.isSuccess()) condition!

This is the CaptchaResponse object for reference :

public class CaptchaResponse {
    private boolean success;
    private String challengeTs;
    private String hostname;
    private String[] errorcodes;

I did my best to follow good practices, also the debug does print a response that contains a CaptchaResponse but isSuccess() will always be false during tests and the other fiels remains null even when I explicitely set values during the test (I only kept isSuccess in the above for testing).

Ive been browsing on Stack here and there but I couldn't find unfortunately a concrete solution to this behavior.

Any help pointing me to the right direction is greatly appreciated!


  • You create a new instance of RestTemplate in RegisterController, and in the test you create a mock of RestTemplate bean. Try injecting a bean managed by Spring.

    public class RegisterController {
    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;