
Lists inside <details> tag in markdown file

I'm using Github pages to publish notes for my classes. I link from the main page (, to other pages containing a list of links for the annotated version of the notes. I'm trying to simplify all the pages by using the <details> tag so that I can put ALL the links on one page while initially hiding the list. Below is an example of what my markdown code looks like:


  <summary>class1 Annotated Notes</summary>
* [notes_1p1_annotated.pdf](

* [notes_1p2_annotated.pdf](

I'm using ReText to manually edit/preview the Markdown code in, and it looks like this:

Screnshot of ReText

I also tried building the lists directly using HTML, but those did not look correct on the Github page. Am I using the <details> tag correctly, or am I completely misunderstanding how to use it?


  • I managed to solve my issue. I found this comment on an article about the on Github, and I now realize that Markdown doesn't work inside the <details> tag. Now I have:

    <h2> Class 1</h2>
      <summary>class1 Annotated Notes</summary>
      <li><a href="">notes_1p1_annotated.pdf</a></li>
      <li><a href="">notes_1p2_annotated.pdf</a></li>

    Which is correct!