I'm trying to produce a table with modelsummary that has spanning headers. That's why I want to post-process the modelsummary output with kableExtra::add_header_above
. Also, I want the resulting table to be in a tabular environment only (no table environment). The following code used to work a few months back, however, it doesn't anymore:
# Load necessary package
# Create example regression models using built-in mtcars dataset
m1 <- lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars)
m2 <- lm(mpg ~ drat, data = mtcars)
m3 <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
# Attempt to create a LaTeX table using modelsummary and kableExtra
output = "latex_tabular") %>%
add_header_above(c("Text"=1, "More Text"=1, "Some Other Text"=2))
The error I get is "Error in if (kable_format %in% c("pipe", "markdown")) { : argument is of length zero"
If I change the output in the modelsummary to "kableExtra" it works, but then I can't save it to a tex file using save_kable()
anymore. Same error occurs with output = "latex"
Does anyone have an idea what's going on here?
Since version 2.0.0 of modelsummary
, the default output format is tinytable
, rather than kableExtra
. There were good reasons for that shift and I, the modelsummary
author, strongly recommend you try the defaults before switching to kableExtra
In this example, we use:
from tinytable
to add spanning column headers.theme_tt("tabular")
to apply a special theme to the LaTeX table that will remove environments other than the simple tabular
to print it. This is only so you can see the raw code on StackOverflow. It would not be needed in a Quarto or Rmarkdown document. Alternatively, you could use save_tt("path/to/file.tex")
to save the LaTeX code to a file.The tinytable
website hosts a billion tutorials and examples: https://vincentarelbundock.github.io/tinytable/
"(C)"=m3)) |>
group_tt(j = list("Text" = 1, "More Text" = 2, "Some Other Text" = 3:4)) |>
theme_tt("tabular") |>
Text & More Text & Some Other Text & \\ \cmidrule(lr]{1-1}\cmidrule[lr]{2-2}\cmidrule[lr){3-4}
& (A) & (B) & (C) \\ \hline
(Intercept) & 30.099 & -7.525 & 37.285 \\
& (1.634) & (5.477) & (1.878) \\
hp & -0.068 & & \\
& (0.010) & & \\
drat & & 7.678 & \\
& & (1.507) & \\
wt & & & -5.344 \\
& & & (0.559) \\
Num.Obs. & 32 & 32 & 32 \\
R2 & 0.602 & 0.464 & 0.753 \\
R2 Adj. & 0.589 & 0.446 & 0.745 \\
AIC & 181.2 & 190.8 & 166.0 \\
BIC & 185.6 & 195.2 & 170.4 \\
Log.Lik. & -87.619 & -92.400 & -80.015 \\
F & 45.460 & 25.970 & 91.375 \\
RMSE & 3.74 & 4.34 & 2.95 \\