
Does TailwindCSS support ch units of measurement?

New to Tailwind and re-writing a site but in my Styled Components file I'm declaring a ch unit of 50, example:

const Foobar = styled.div`
  max-width: 50ch;

when researching the documentation I don't see if this is supported in my version:

"tailwindcss": "^3.4.6"

and the so far I've only see this be a feature request in this discussion.

In TailwindCSS how can I utilize a ch unit of width measurement?


  • You can always customize your tailwindcss theme and extend the default theme to your liking.

    module.exports = {
      theme: {
        extend: {
          spacing: {
            'ch-25': '25ch',
            'ch-50': '50ch',
            'ch-75': '75ch',
    <div class="max-w-ch-50">Foobar</div>

    Additionally, you can also use arbitrary values.

    <div class="max-w-[50ch]">Foobar</div>
