I'm trying to personalize an example published by Apple on developer site:
Detecting animal body poses with Vision
After some tests I saw that the landmarks and connection drawings work only if I do not ignore the safe area, if I do not consider it or use the app on the iPad the drawings are no longer applied correctly.
In the example Apple use Geometry reader to detect the size of the view:
ZStack {
GeometryReader { geo in
AnimalSkeletonView(animalJoint: animalJoint, size: geo.size)
}.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
struct AnimalSkeletonView: View {
// Get the animal joint locations.
@StateObject var animalJoint = AnimalPoseDetector()
var size: CGSize
var body: some View {
DisplayView(animalJoint: animalJoint)
if animalJoint.animalBodyParts.isEmpty == false {
// Draw the skeleton of the animal.
// Iterate over all recognized points and connect the joints.
ZStack {
ZStack {
// left head
if let nose = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.nose] {
if let leftEye = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftEye] {
Line(points: [nose.location, leftEye.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
if let leftEye = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftEye] {
if let leftEarBottom = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftEarBottom] {
Line(points: [leftEye.location, leftEarBottom.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
if let leftEarBottom = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftEarBottom] {
if let leftEarMiddle = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftEarMiddle] {
if let leftEarTop = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftEarTop] {
Line(points: [leftEarBottom.location, leftEarMiddle.location,
leftEarTop.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
// right head
if let nose = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.nose] {
if let rightEye = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightEye] {
Line(points: [nose.location, rightEye.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
if let rightEye = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightEye] {
if let rightEarBottom = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightEarBottom] {
Line(points: [rightEye.location, rightEarBottom.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
if let rightEarBottom = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightEarBottom] {
if let rightEarMiddle = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightEarMiddle] {
if let rightEarTop = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightEarTop] {
Line(points: [rightEarBottom.location, rightEarMiddle.location,
rightEarTop.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
// trunk - Draw a line from the nose to the neck.
if let nose = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.nose] {
if let neck = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.neck] {
Line(points: [nose.location, neck.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
// tail - Draw a line from the neck to the bottom tail.
if let neck = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.neck] {
if let tailBottom = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.tailBottom] {
Line(points: [neck.location,
tailBottom.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
ZStack {
// left forelegs
if let neck = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.neck] {
if let leftFrontElbow = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftFrontElbow] {
Line(points: [neck.location, leftFrontElbow.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
if let leftFrontElbow = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftFrontElbow] {
if let leftFrontKnee = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftFrontKnee] {
if let leftFrontPaw = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftFrontPaw] {
Line(points: [leftFrontElbow.location, leftFrontKnee.location, leftFrontPaw.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
// right forelegs
if let neck = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.neck] {
if let rightFrontElbow = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightFrontElbow] {
Line(points: [neck.location, rightFrontElbow.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
if let rightFrontElbow = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightFrontElbow] {
if let rightFrontKnee = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightFrontKnee] {
if let rightFrontPaw = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightFrontPaw] {
Line(points: [rightFrontElbow.location, rightFrontKnee.location, rightFrontPaw.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
// left hindlegs
if let tailBottom = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.tailBottom] {
if let leftBackElbow = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftBackElbow] {
Line(points: [tailBottom.location, leftBackElbow.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
if let leftBackElbow = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftBackElbow] {
if let leftBackKnee = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftBackKnee] {
if let leftBackPaw = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.leftBackPaw] {
Line(points: [leftBackElbow.location, leftBackKnee.location, leftBackPaw.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
// right hindlegs
if let tailBottom = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.tailBottom] {
if let rightBackElbow = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightBackElbow] {
Line(points: [tailBottom.location, rightBackElbow.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
if let rightBackElbow = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightBackElbow] {
if let rightBackKnee = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightBackKnee] {
if let rightBackPaw = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.rightBackPaw] {
Line(points: [rightBackElbow.location, rightBackKnee.location, rightBackPaw.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
ZStack {
// Connect the tail joints.
if let tailBottom = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.tailBottom] {
if let tailMiddle = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.tailMiddle] {
if let tailTop = animalJoint.animalBodyParts[.tailTop] {
Line(points: [tailBottom.location, tailMiddle.location, tailTop.location], size: size)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5.0)
and a shape to draw line:
// Create a transform that converts the pose's normalized point.
struct Line: Shape {
var points: [CGPoint]
var size: CGSize
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
let pointTransform: CGAffineTransform =
.translatedBy(x: 0.0, y: -1.0)
.concatenating(.identity.scaledBy(x: 1.0, y: -1.0))
.concatenating(.identity.scaledBy(x: size.width, y: size.height))
var path = Path()
path.move(to: points[0])
for point in points {
path.addLine(to: point)
return path.applying(pointTransform)
Looking online I saw that it was recommended to change the property cameraView.previewLayer.videoGravity
cameraView.previewLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspectFill
cameraView.previewLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspect
and modify
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIViewControllerType, context: Context) {}
in CameraViewController.swift but it doesn't work for me.
Could you help me understand where I'm wrong?
EDIT: I changed to Human Detection and remove the toggle in the top of the view (I just need the body track, not the emoji overlay)
Sample images:
I received an answer from Apple Developer forum.
There are 2 possible solution:
cameraView.previewLayer.videoGravity = .resize
in CameraViewController
but the view will stretch
DisplayView(animalJoint: animalJoint)
.overlay {
GeometryReader { geo in
// draw skeleton
}.aspectRatio(..., contentMode: .fill)
Here the complete post: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/764042