
Convert a list of time string to unique string format

I have a list of time string with different formats as shown

time = ["1:5 am", "1:35 am", "8:1 am", "9:14 am" "14:23 pm", "20:2 pm"]

dict = {'time': time}      
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)

and wanted to replace strings in list as shown below.

["01:05 am", "01:35 am", "08:01 am", "09:14 am" "14:23 pm", "20:02 pm"]

Not sure how to write a regex that format the string in DataFrame.


  • A possible solution, which is based on regex.

    (df['time'].str.replace(r'^(\d):', r'0\1:', regex=True)
         .str.replace(r':(\d)\s', r':0\1 ', regex=True))

    The main ideas are:


    0    01:05 am
    1    01:35 am
    2    08:01 am
    3    09:14 am
    4    14:23 pm
    5    20:02 pm
    Name: time, dtype: object