
Scala Akka HTTP issue accessing post request parameters wrapped in Option[String]

I’m trying to create a Post request path using the Akka HTTP Server and the Scala programming language.

After I successfully make and receive the post request data, I would like to access the value of the country field inside the device parameter.

What is the best way to access this parameter?

I am using SprayJSON as the marshaller.

The current code gives the error Found: Option[Option[String]] Required: String.

Again, the request is processed successfully, I just can’t figure out how to access the value of the country field inside the device parameter.

The code is as below.

The case classes:

case class Geo(country: Option[String])

case class Device(id: String, geo: Option[Geo])

case class dataRequest(id: String, device: Option[Device])

The Post Request path:

Path(“submit”) {
   Post {
    Entity(as[dataRequest]) { data_request_params => => => {
val geoDevice =


The request body:

 “id”: “fghq1I123”,
 “device”: {
       “id”: “0004a672f”,
       “geo”: {
               “Country”: “AU”


  • It seems the problem you have, based on the question you asked in your previous post is not with akka neither akka-http. It's with the type system of scala.

    First you need to understand how the Option class work, and at the same time what is the difference between map and flatMap.

    // this produces a `Option[Int]`
    val optionInt: Option[Int] = Option(1) 
    // this produces a `Option[String]` because the return type of the function I'm passing as parameter is a `String`
    val optionString: Option[String] = => int.toString) 
    // this produces a `Option[Option[Boolean]` because the return type of the function is an `Option[Int]`
    // remember that the map method expect a function A => B and returns B
    // in the following example B is of type of Option
    val optionOptionBoolean: Option[Option[Boolean]] = 
        .map(int => 
            .map(string => int == string)
    // a class with an Option field
    case class NestedOption(optionInt: Option[Int])
    // a class with a field that is an Option of another class that contains an Option field
    case class Root(nestedOption: Option[NestedOption])
    val nestedOption: Option[NestedOption] = Some(NestedOption(1))
    val root: Root = Root(nestedOption)
    // to access the nested Option field and transform from Option[Int] to Option[String]
    val optionString = root
      .flatMap( nestedOption => // I have access to the field `nestedOption` of Root
          .optionInt               // this field is of type Option, where I can call `map`
          .map( int => i.toString) // returning an Option[String] for the `flatMap`
    // this can also be written much cleaner using for yield
    val optionString = for {
      nestedOption <- root
      int          <- nestedOption.nestedOption.optionInt
    } yield int.toString

    To fix the error in your code

    Path(“submit”) {
      Post {
        Entity(as[dataRequest]) { data_request_params =>
          // the code below will return an Option of the value type you return in the last line
          // if some of the `Option`s are None, you will get a `None`
          val anotherOption = for {
            device  <- data_request_params.device
            geo     <- device.geo
            country <-
          } yield // the logic you need to apply here

    Here you have a good link to learn more about Option

    At the same time, I suggest to first learn the basics of Scala.